His Holiness Karekin II Receives H. E. Nerses-Petros XIX, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Armenian Catholic Community

On May 29, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received His Eminence Nerses-Petros XIX Tarmouny, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Armenian Catholic Community, and his delegation. Nerses-Petros XIX had arrived to Armenia to participate in the Second Armenia Diaspora Conference.

The Armenian Pontiff and the Head of the Armenian Catholic Church expressed their satisfaction with the convening of the Conference, and regarded it as an important step in rallying the Armenian people dispersed throughout the world around their Motherland.

In the course of the meeting His Holiness Karekin II noted the friendly relations which have developed with His Holiness John Paul II, Patriarch of the West and Bishop of Rome, Head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholicos of All Armenians stated his conviction that the development of ecumenical ties would bear positive results in the new millennium. His Holiness also expressed his appreciation to the patriotic activity of the Mekhitarist Fathers and Community.