His Holiness Karekin II Receives EU Special Representative

His Holiness Karekin II Receives EU Special Representative 31.01.2004

On January 31, His Holiness Karekin II received Ambassador Heikki Talvitie, Special Representative of the European Union for the South Caucasus. Accompanying his delegation was Mr. Hans Wulf Bartels, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia. 

The EU Special Representative is in Armenia as part of his mandate to assist the countries in the region in implementing their political and economic reforms. During the meeting, Ambassador Talvitie introduced the activities of the European Union in the Southern Caucasus, and its relationship with the individual countries in the region. His Holiness expressed his satisfaction and appreciation to all of the efforts on the part of European Union that benefit the strengthening of the rule of law, democratization and good governance. His Holiness also placed great importance on the EU's efforts to reinforce the fragile peace which currently exists in the region. 

The Pontiff of All Armenians further stressed the important role of the Church in the life of society, noting that the only hope for the future permanent stability and progress of the countries in the region was an increase of spiritual values and moral ethics. 

His Grace Bishop Paren Avedikian, Director of Administrative Affairs for the Mother See, was also present in the meeting.