His Holiness Karekin II Receives Defense Minister of Lithuania

On April 23, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians received the delegation led by Mr. Linas Linkevicius, Defense Minister for the Republic of Lithuania. The delegation was accompanied by Deputy Defense Minister for the Republic of Armenia, Michael Grigorian. His Holiness expressed happiness for the development and progress of Armenian-Lithuanian relations, and stated his confidence that official visitations at government levels would also strengthen the friendship between the two peoples. The Catholicos was glad to inform the Defense Minister of Lithuania that, at present, nearly 30 Armenian clergymen are serving in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, which he believes benefits the reinforcing of Christian moral principles in the life of a soldier. During the meeting, His Holiness and the Defense Minister discussed the importance of Armed Forces Chaplaincy programs, and the possibilities for mutual cooperation in this regard. In attendance for the meeting were Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See; and Rev. Fr. Arshen Sanossian, Chaplain of the Armenian Armed Forces.