His Holiness Karekin II Receives Congressman Frank Pallone

On August 13, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Frank Pallone, a member of the United States House of Representatives from New Jersey, USA. Congressman Pallone is in Armenia and Karabagh as a member of the delegation of observers for the Presidential Elections which took place last Sunday in the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh.

His Holiness welcomed Congressman Pallone to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, noting that this was not his first visit to Armenia, and was well aware of his work in the U.S. Congress with respect to issues related to Armenia, Karabagh and Armenians in the United States.

Congressman Pallone thanked the Catholicos for the audience, and briefed His Holiness on his observations from the recent elections in Karabagh, noting that he was very pleased with the fair and transparent manner in which they took place.