His Holiness Karekin II Receives California State Senator Jack Scott

On March 24, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mr. Jack Scott, a member of the Senate for the State of California (USA). Senator Scott was accompanied by his wife, Lacretta and Messrs. Berdj Karapetian and Artin Manoogian from the ?Hay Tad? Committee of the Western United States. Senator Scott represents the cities of Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale, Hollywood, and surrounding regions. Over 120,000 Armenians reside in his district.

His Holiness welcomed the Senator to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, and noted with pleasure that the Senator was visiting the headquarters of the Armenian Church on Palm Sunday. His Holiness expressed gratitude to Senator Scott for the work he and other lawmakers have undertaken to increase awareness and seek official recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Senator Scott, himself a theologian, thanked His Holiness for the audience, remarking how fortunate he felt to be present in the Mother See on a day filled with religious significance. The senator informed His Holiness about the work currently underway in the California State Legislature for Genocide recognition and curriculum preparation for schools. The senator also has come to Armenia to further his goal of establishing a Trade Office for the State of California in the Republic of Armenia.

His Holiness thanked Senator Scott for his continued work on issues related to Armenians, saying, ?We are hopeful that you and your colleagues throughout state legislatures in the United States will be successful in adding the U.S. to the list of righteous nations who have recognized and condemned the Genocide. We see the clear manifestation of its denial, and the consequences of such in the life of mankind?.

His Holiness wished Senator Scott, Mrs. Scott, and the guests a pleasant stay in Armenia, and invited them to return to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Senator Scott mentioned that he was looking forward to seeing the country, talking to the population and experiencing the religious life of the people.