His Holiness Karekin II Receives Author Paulo Coelho

On October 6, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received famous Brazilian author Paulo Coelho in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Mr. Coelho was accompanied by Levon Ananian, President of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Armenia; and Lilit Galsdian director of the Hamazgayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society.

Welcoming Mr. Coelho to the headquarters of the Armenian Church, His Holiness happily received the first Armenian translation of 'The Alchemist', one of the renowned author's most loved novels. His Holiness, noting his pleasure that the author's book was now available to the Armenian reader in the Armenian language, stated: "Individuals such as you, through their service, work and spirit, contribute to humanity the inspiration and will to preserve unblemished and pure their image created by God."

Expressing gratitude to the Catholicos of All Armenians for the reception, Mr. Coelho emphasized that the history of the Armenian people has become a new and encouraging source of inspiration for him. "This visit to Armenia and to the spiritual center of every Armenian Christian is very important and symbolic. My soul is rejoicing on the occasion of the translation of my novel into Armenian", noted the author, expressing his willingness to serve the Armenian Church and asking for the blessing of His Holiness.

Also in attendance for the meeting were the translator and publisher of Mr. Coelho's novel. At the conclusion of the meeting His Holiness extended his appreciation and Pontifical blessings to the delegation.