His Holiness Karekin II Receives Armenian Youth

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Armenian Youth 17.02.2003

On February 15, the Feast day of St. Sargis the Captain, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received nearly 250 young men and women in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. He gave his blessings to the members of the youth groups from all local Dioceses of the Armenian Church, boys and girls from the Mother See / AGBU Youth Centers, representatives of youth organizations of the Armenian Catholic Community and Armenian Evangelical Churches, and students from Yerevan State University.

Congratulating the youth on the occasion of this Feast, His Holiness stated, "It is most important and vital for our young people to be educated in the teachings of our sacred Christian faith, according to the principles of our forefathers, according to the Tradition and customs of our Church. The future day of the Church is obviously inseparable from the young generation. The young Armenian, having received Christian education today, is the guarantor of a prosperous and happy life tomorrow." At the conclusion of the reception, His Holiness answered questions posed by the young adults.

That same evening, the youth attended a Divine Liturgy celebrated in the Church of St. Sargis in the Nork District of Yerevan, and visited the Armenian Church Youth Centers, where special cultural programs were presented. The evening's activities were organized under the auspices of the Armenian Church Youth Centers of Yerevan and with the support of the World Council of Churches / Armenia Round Table Office.