His Holiness Karekin II Receives Ambassador David Peleg

On January 16, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians received Ambassador David Peleg, Deputy Director General for the Division for Central Europe and Eurasia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the State of Israel. Ambassador Peleg was accompanied by Deputy Foreign Minister for the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Ruben Shugarian, and Israel's Ambassador to Armenia, Mrs. Rivka Cohen. 

During their meeting, His Holiness and the Ambassador spoke primarily about the establishment of peace in the world, and specifically, in the Holy Land. Both noted the important role of religious leaders of all faiths in this regard. 

His Holiness also expressed his appreciation for the development of relations between the two countries, noting that their advance and progress will bring benefits to both Armenian and Jewish communities. The Armenian Pontiff also expressed his thanks to the authorities of the State of Israel, who, responding to the appeals of the Catholicos of All Armenians, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and numerous other individuals and organizations, agreed to a final solution to the issue of the Baron Der property of the Patriarchate, taking into consideration the rights and benefits of the same.