His Holiness Karekin II Opens International Congress on Armenian Studies

On Monday, September 15, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians presided during the opening session of an International Congress on Armenian Studies, which took place in the Large Conference Hall of the National Academy of Sciences. The Congress entitled "Armenian Studies Today and Development Perspectives" has been organized under the joint auspices of the National Academy of Sciences and Yerevan State University. 

Armenologists, scientists and academicians from the Republic of Armenia and in excess of 25 countries have gathered in Yerevan to participate in this vast undertaking. More than 80 different topics and papers will be presented during the six-day congress. The four principal divisions of the Congress are: History, Philology, Culture, and The Armenian Church and Armenian Studies. 

President of the National Academy of Sciences Fadey Sargisian welcomed His Holiness, and invited the Pontiff of All Armenians to address the assembled scientists and participants. His Holiness delivered his opening remarks, wherein he blessed the participants of the Congress. He noted in part, "Truly, the inheritance of our people who have lived and created for thousands of years at the skirts of Ararat can tell many things about the ancient history and biography of humanity. Specifically, however, about the spiritual oath which is crowned by the Resurrection of the Savior and the life lived with faith in Christ, which from the fourth century has been the source of Armenian strength, and the reflection of Armenian reality. Armenology makes one realize the identity of the Armenian People, the spirit of Christian Armenia, and all of that which is called the spiritual world of the Armenians. 

"We are pleased that today in the field of Armenology, the study of topics on the significance of faith as a fulfillment of science are elevated and given importance. We are pleased that the distortions of our history and biased assessments are being re-examined, and as time progresses, the history of the Armenian Church and People are being perceived as one and the same, and the further study of the inheritance of the Armenian Church is expanded, without which it is impossible to know Armenian culture, and understand her meaning and contributions." 

His Holiness concluded his remarks with the Lord's Prayer, and on behalf of the worldwide Armenian Church, once more greeted the participants, wishing progress and success to the activities of the Congress. 

The Congress has convened with the blessing of His Holiness, and under the patronage of President of the Republic of Armenia Robert Kocharian. Sponsors of the week-long event are His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians; Mr. Ara Abrahamian, President of the Union of Armenians of Russia; the "George Ignatius" Fund; and the National Fund of Science and Leading Technologies. The Congress concludes on Saturday, September 20.