His Holiness Karekin II Meets with Armenian Youth

On May 29, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received more than 30 representatives from sixteen Armenian Church Youth Organizations from the Araratian Pontifical Diocese and the Diocese of Armavir. His Holiness welcomed the representatives to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, and expressed his contentment that they had made their pilgrimage to the holiest place for all Armenians on the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Prior to being received by the Catholicos, the youth had participated in the Divine Liturgy which was celebrated on this occasion.

The youth representatives stated their appreciation for the audience with the Pontiff of All Armenians, and asked His Holiness a variety of questions relating to the ongoing mission to organize and better formulate youth movements and groups under the umbrella of the Holy Mother Church.

His Holiness exhorted them to continue their devoted work toward these ends, stating, "The Church is not strong because of her Catholicos, nor her Primates, nor her clergy. The Church is strong because of her faithful. When you, the members of the Church are active and concerned with the mission of the Church, and you hold the servants of your Church responsible, it is only then that our mission can be fulfilled to greater ambitions and higher levels."

Attending the meeting were Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See, and Rev. Fr. Dajad Davidian, who accompanied the youth representatives.