His Holiness Karekin II Grants Letters of Blessing and Appreciation to the Pontifical Canopy Bearers

On February 10, the Eve of Great Lent, a new tradition began in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. During a ceremony held in the reception hall inside the official residence of the Catholicos (the Veharan), His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, granted letters of blessing and appreciation to the bearers of the Pontifical Canopy, for their dedicated service to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and their willingness to participate in the ritual and ceremonial life of the Mother Church.

According to the tradition of the Armenian Church, the canopy is used during ecclesiastical solemn pontifical entourages, usually when the celebrant of the Divine Liturgy is the Catholicos of All Armenians. It symbolizes the presence of God's support and guidance, like the column of clouds, which guided the Jews of the Old Testament from Egyptian captivity to the Promised Land.

Since the pontifical election and consecration of the His Holiness Karekin II, more than twenty prominent Armenians from Armenia and the Diaspora have been found deserving of the honor to serve as canopy bearers. Included among them are national benefactors, state and public figures, intellectuals, scientists, artists, and members of the Supreme Spiritual Council. Among the distinguished roll of canopy bearers are Academician Sergey Hambardzoumian; Sen Arevshatian, Director of the Matenadaran (Museum of Ancient Manuscripts); Composer Robert Amirkhanian; Gagik Ghazinian, Dean of the Juridical Faculty of Yerevan State University; Armenian benefactors from the Diaspora, including Mr. Eduardo Eornekian, Mr. Karnig Yacoubian, and others. Mr. Vrezh Markossian, Director of the "Tigran Mets" Printing House , who was the Godfather of the Blessing of the Waters Ceremony this year, was also granted a letter of blessing.

The canopy bearers who reside in Armenia received their letters of blessing during the course of the evening. Distribution of the letters for those individuals from throughout the diaspora will be forthcoming.

Bestowing his blessings and appreciation to the canopy bearers who reside in Armenia, His Holiness said: "Prominent and distinguished sons of our nation have always been standing beside the Armenian Pontiff, symbolizing the indissoluble unity between the Armenian Church and the Armenian people, wherever they may be, which we must preserve and foster as a sacred inheritance coming from our ancestors".

Mr. Sen Arevshatian, expressing gratitude on behalf of the canopy bearers, stated that he considers the service to the Mother See to be a filial duty. Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Iran, also extended words of gratitude, noting that the Armenian Church became the basis of the Armenian nation's existence and survival throughout history, and today, standing with Armenian statehood, should continue to guide her people to eternal life.

Mr. Vardan Devrikian, editor of the journal "Etchmiadzin", the official monthly review of the Mother See, delivered a lecture on the history and usage of the canopy. Passages describing pontifical entourages, excerpted from ancient Armenian manuscripts and literature, were also read. The guests were entertained with a concert of spiritual music by the Armenian Chamber Choral Group.