His Holiness Karekin II Consecrates Church of Holy Martyrs

His Holiness Karekin II Consecrates Church of Holy Martyrs 08.07.2003

On Saturday, July 5, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, consecrated the newly built Church of the Holy Martyrs, in the village of Teghenik, Diocese of Kotayk (Armenia). 

The Church was built due to the sponsorship and efforts of His Eminence Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian and the entire Bozabalian family, as well as the support of Swiss-Armenian benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Hakob Gabrielian. The service of blessing the foundation of the church was offered by His Eminence three years ago. 

In attendance for the service of consecration were His Grace Bishop Arakel Karamian, Primate of the Diocese of Kotayk; His Eminence Archbishop Houssik Santourian; His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia; Very Rev. Fr. Derenik Vardapet Davitian, Acting Primate of the Diocese of Gegharkunik; members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin; Mr. Kovalenko Shahgeldian, Regional Governor of Kotayk; representatives of regional and municipal authorities; and over 1,000 faithful. 

As the entourage of His Holiness arrived at the church, His Eminence Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian addressed a welcoming message to His Holiness and the faithful: "Let many sons be born from this Holy Altar, this sacred baptistery and this Church of Holy Martyrs consecrated by Your Holiness, and let them be the owners of their Motherland, their Church and the sacred faith of our ancestors." 

The consecration service commenced and the altar was washed with wine. Following which, the Pontiff of All Armenians, assisted by the bishops, and under the singing of hymns, consecrated the 16 columns of the church, the Holy Altar and the baptismal font of the new church with Holy Chrism (Muron). 

At the conclusion of the service, His Holiness congratulated the faithful, noting: "We render glory and thanks to God, that a new church has been built in this village, which for many years was deprived of a house of prayer, and opens her doors before the faithful flock due to Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian's efforts and dedication. It is our prayer that the sons and daughters of our nation should live their lives under the arches of the Church and be led according to the commandments of Christ's Holy Gospel, preached from the Holy Altar of this sanctuary dedicated to the souls of the Holy Martyrs, according to the sacred faith of our forefathers, always remaining faithful to the centuries-old traditions and customs of our Church, so there will never again be eras of martyrdom in the life of our people and nation." 

His Holiness awarded Archbishop Bozabalian with the Medal of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, as a visible sign of appreciation for this undertaking. The Catholicos also presented the new parish with a chalice for Holy Communion to be used during Divine Liturgies. Following the service of consecration, His Eminence Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian celebrated the inaugural Divine Liturgy in the church.