His Holiness Karekin II Commends Canadian Parliament for Genocide Recognition

His Holiness Karekin II Commends Canadian Parliament for Genocide Recognition 22.04.2004

On April 22, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, sent a letter to the Honorable Peter Milliken, Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada. In the letter, His Holiness expresses the gratitude and appreciation of all Armenians throughout the world for yesterday's decision, whereby the Canadian Parliament officially recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide. 

Addressing the members of the House of Commons, His Holiness states in part, "We are grateful that following the brutal years of 1915 through 1923, the Armenian people found shelter and acceptance in the blessed country of Canada, as in many other countries throughout the world. The children of the first genocide of the twentieth century not only survived in their new homes, but they thrived, becoming contributing, loyal and worthy citizens. 

"However, as we approach the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in 2005, the important issue of genocide remains before the whole of mankind. Genocide can never be the solution to the religious, social and political conflicts of our times. The way to prevent genocide is to recognize it. The only way to find justice for its victims, both living and dead, is to condemn it. Genocide is not a crime against one nation, but rather it is against man and against God. It is the gravest crime against humanity. God's primary grace is the gift of life. The defense of life has been entrusted to governments, and each life protected is a gift we offer to God. All should be made aware that any action directed against the life of man, shall be condemned from its inception. Human suffering can be stopped, through the actions of brave men and women such as you, which help justice to prevail." 

The Pontiff of All Armenians, offering his prayers and blessings from the spiritual center of the worldwide Armenian Church, commended the members of the House of Commons for their "consideration of this issue (Genocide recognition), and readiness to champion its resonance to greater awareness".