His Holiness Karekin II Blesses Foundation of Armenian Church in Kiev

His Holiness Karekin II Blesses Foundation of Armenian Church in Kiev 16.03.2018

On March 16, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; left for a two-day Pontifical visit to the Armenian Diocese of Ukraine, on the occasion of the consecration of the newly built St. Gregory the Illuminator church in Dnepr. His Holiness was accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan, Director of the External Relations and Protocol Department of the Mother See; His Grace Bishop Arshak Khachatryan, Chancellor of the Mother See; His Grace Bishop Tatev Hakobyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Ukraine; Rev. Fr. Aghan Yernjakyan, staff-bearer of His Holiness, and Rev. Fr. Vahram Melikyan, Director of Information System Department of Mother See.

The Catholicos of All Armenians was welcomed at the “Borispol” airport of Kiev by His Grace Bishop Markos Hovhannisyan, Diocesan Primate; Mr. Andranik Manukyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Republic of Armenia and Mr. Vilen Shatvorian, President of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine.

The Catholicos of All Armenians, accompanied by clergymen, visited the grounds of the church to be built, where the Armenian Patriarch was welcomed under the singing of the "Hrashapar".

Following the official welcome, His Holiness presided over the Foundation Blessing Service of the Church. According to the traditions of the Armenian Church, under the singing of church hymns and psalms, 16 foundation stones were washed with water and wine. Each stone, engraved with a cross, was blessed in the name of one of the Apostles of Christ, the four Evangelists and St. Gregory of Illuminator, following which His Holiness and the Bishops consecrated the foundation stones with the Holy Muron, then prayed for the steadfastness and blessed efforts of the cathedral. Following the consecration, the stones were embedded in designated corners of the foundation of the future church.

On the occasion of this remarkable event, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his message to the attendees.

“With the unspeakable delight of the soul, we have arrived from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to Ukraine, on the occasion of the consecration of the St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Dnepr and we are happy to offer the Foundation Blessing Service of the Kiev church within our visit and convey our Pontifical blessing to our faithful people.

Through our joint prayers we offered the foundation blessing service, which will give new vigor, hope, and enthusiasm to the spiritual life of Armenians of Ukraine. This temple will become a new center of revival of the national-spiritual life of our children. It should also become the vivid testimony of the historical centuries-old Armenian presence in Ukraine.

According to historical sources, the presence of the Armenian Bishop’s See has been mentioned in this region since the 11th century. The Armenian prayer-houses built in different cities are prominent witnesses of the close ties between the two people. The Armenian Holy Mother of God Church is also mentioned in Kiev, which was completely burnt down during a fire in the 17th century. And for this reason, for spiritual services, the Armenians were given one of the chapels of the St. Sofia Cathedral of Kiev, which is evidenced by the frescoes of the Armenian Saints and 22 Armenian Protocols preserved in the cathedral. We praise glory to God for your lively national-ecclesiastical life. As a Patriarch, it’s a comfort for me to witness your spiritual awakening, patriotic and church-devoted spirit.

The Church is the Living Body of Christ, we-its members, unified with God's love and soul. From here stems the grace and blessing of our national, community and family life.

“So if I am delayed, you will know how each one must conduct himself in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).

For centuries the Armenian Apostolic Church, in different parts of the world has united her pious children around the Holy Altar, anchoring their lives on the traditional values and commandments.

Faithful to her divine mission, the Armenian Church, despite various trials, troubles, and deprivations that have faced our people and our homeland, has united our people around the constant lantern of hope and faith of St. Gregory the Illuminator. Our Church has become a shelter and defender of the national sacred heritage and the guarantor of the Armenian identity's indefinable protection. Wherever the Armenian appeared, an Armenian church and Armenian school were side by side, uniting our people with the love for God and the nation and the undeniable devotion towards the Mother Church.

Dear devout people, with these thoughts we extend our exhortation to all of you, to lead your life with zeal and on a pious path, faithfully preserving the traditions of our ancestors and realizing your cherished dreams and wishes. Protect the Armenian School and the Armenian Church, keeping that road vigilant, so that you can keep your community life alive and harmonious, prosperous and brighter, becoming a source of blessing for the future generations. As honest, esteemed citizens of Ukraine, continue to make your contribution for the goodness of the life of Ukraine, which is currently facing hardships. Our prayer is that the merciful God grant the grace of heavenly peace to the lives of the godly people of Ukraine and grant new achievements for building a bright and progressive way of life”, stated His Holiness.

His Holiness conveyed his blessing to His Grace Bishop Markos Hovhannisyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Ukraine, as well as the clergy of the Diocese, for their dedicated service. Through prayer the Armenian Pontiff recalled the previous Primate His Eminence Archbishop Grigoris Buniatyan, who was at the base of this church-building initiative.

Catholicos Karekin II referred to the caring attitude of the authorities towards the Armenian community, and the expression of which is the land for the church construction allotted by the city.

His Holiness expressed his appreciation and good wishes to the Church benefactor Mr. Vilen Shatvoryan, expressing hope that his noble aspiration will become a good example for many other Ukrainian compatriots, to contribuet to this God-pleasing and sacred work. In appreciation of his patriotic and church-devoted activities, His Holiness awarded Mr. Shatvoryan the “St. Nerses the Graceful” Order of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church.

At the conclusion, the Armenian Pontiff expressed his wish that Almighty God keep the Armenian community of Ukraine, the national-educational institutions and the Armenian Apostolic Church in peace and prosperity.

Then, offering his Pontifcal blessings to the faithful people, His Holiness visited the Holy Martyrs Chapel and learned about the work that had been implemented.

On the same day, His Holiness also conveyed his Pontifical blessings to the participants of the first annual conference of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine. Welcoming the activities of the Union, His Holiness highlighted the programs aimed at organizing the national life in the communities and preserving the Armenian identity through the efforts of the Union President and territorial bodies.

“The greatest challenge in the lives of our Diaspora Armenian children today is the constant protection of national identity, native language and national values- the guarantee of our nation's eternity. The recognition of their own roots is the guarantee of a vibrant and prosperous world-spread Armenian life. Love and loyalty towards the homeland and the ancestral treasures are the way to the fulfillment of our national cherished desires”, stated His Holiness.

The Armenian Pontiff also expressed satisfaction on the occasion of the close cooperation between the Armenian Diocese of Ukraine and the Union, which is continually fed by pro-national activities and church-devoted accomplishments.

Wishing good luck to the activities of the conference, His Holiness expressed hope that it will become a stimulus for the accomplishment of nation-building and church-building new programs and projects, strengthening unity, love and national spirit in the Armenian life.

At the conclusion, President of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine presented His Holiness Karekin II with the “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” award of the Union.

On the evening of March 16, His Holiness left for Dnepr.