His Holiness Karekin II Awards the "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medal to Armenian Church Benefactor Azat Asatourov

On April 4, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received the delegation from the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Southern Russia, led by the Primate, His Grace Bishop Movses Movsisian. During the audience with His Holiness, Mr. Azat Asatourov a dedicated benefactor of the Armenian Church, was decorated with the Medal of "St. Gregory the Illuminator".

The Pontifical Encyclical was granted upon the request of the Diocesan Primate and Diocesan Council. The "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medal is the highest and most rare Insignia of the Armenian Church. It was awarded to Mr. Asatourov for his significant contribution and active participation in the life of the Church and the nation.

Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khachatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, read the pontifical encyclical, which states in part:

"We are greatly pleased in the successes which you have achieved in your life, that even though you are far from the homeland, you have brought recognition and honor to the worthy children of our Church and nation. We recognize and appreciate your efforts in strengthening and glorifying the Armenian Diocese of Southern Russia. The newly constructed Church of St. Sarkis in Adler (Russia) is a crowning manifestation of your God-pleasing work. Under the holy arches of the sanctuary, pious children of Armenia raise their prayers up to God, commune with the Holy Sacraments, and become worthy of the graces of heaven."

Awarding the medal to Mr. Asatourov, His Holiness once more expressed his appreciation to the benefactor for his services to the nation, Motherland and the Armenian Church.