His Holiness Karekin II Awards "St. Sahak - St. Mesrop" Medal to Academician Sergey Hambartsumian

On Saturday, April 20, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, awarded the Medal of "St. Sahak - St. Mesrop" to the prominent scientist and academician Sergey Hambartsumian. The ceremony took place in the Hall of the Official Residence of the Catholicos (Veharan), in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Speaking on behalf of Mr. Hambartsumian's colleagues, academician Fadey Sarkissian, President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, expressed gratitude to His Holiness for granting the insignia to his associate who has always been a true and patriotic son of Armenia. The encyclical of His Holiness, read during the program by His Grace Bishop Sion Adamian, states in part:

"Your tireless efforts have resulted in a great number of productive results within Armenian life, as you have fulfilled your scientific and pedagogical activity with a deep and sincere love towards the Motherland. You are one of the advocates of Armenian intelligentsia, who without hesitation, championed the sacred concept of the liberation of Artsakh (Karabagh), and defended our righteous case in the higher courts. We also commend your display of infinite love and service to the Armenian Church, which was culminated by twice having been elected a delegate to the National Ecclesiastical Assembly, and serving as Chairman."

Mr. Hambartsumian, in his remarks of gratitude, stated, "This is one of the most cherished gifts I have received in my life. However, it is not the greatest gift - the greatest gift is that I was born an Armenian and am a member of the Armenian Church. In my life I have believed that science, education and culture are the three foundation columns on which our history was built, and the Church has been the leader of them all."

The entertainment for the evening was provided by the "New Names" cultural group, who presented a selection of traditional Armenian and non-Armenian musical pieces for the enjoyment of the guests.