His Holiness Karekin II Addresses Inter-Religious Peacemaking Forum in Moscow

In the morning of March 2, the Second Inter-Religious Peacemaking Forum commenced its work in Moscow. Participating in the Forum were representatives of the CIS countries. His Holiness Alexy II, Head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, presided during the meeting. 

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, delivered his opening remarks to the participants. In his address, the Pontiff of All Armenians expressed his high appreciation for the initiative of Patriarch Alexy, and praised his efforts to establish a corresponding body, the Inter-Religious Council of the CIS. 

The Catholicos specifically referred to the problems and challenges facing the CIS countries and spoke about possible solutions and methods which would help in their resolution. 

His Holiness stated in part, "Today we have the freedom to practice our religion; faith is reawakening in the hearts of our people. However, our souls are not free from concern, as eternal and universal spiritual values are endangered. These values are the only basis on which new relations between societies, nations, and states can develop and progress. We are witnessing moral degradation, the polarization of society, the destructive results of proselytizing cults, and the proliferation of terrorism and related crimes. Recalling recent terrorist acts and their tragic consequences, each of us can confirm that these are not the objectives or dreams of our nations. Our peoples wish to live in safety and security, and not in an atmosphere of fear and terror. They wish to see their families happy and their homelands thriving and prosperous. They wish to look to the future with faith and confidence. Today we have assembled here to make cooperation, friendship and peace the chosen path in the lives of our nations and states. The paths that are God-pleasing are not armored with guns, cannons and rockets, but rather are protected under God?s graces and blessing. 

"Each of us wishes to see his concerns addressed and the difficulties of our peoples resolved. However, in the reality of the current century, those concerns and difficulties, as diverse as they are, are also interconnected. All problems should be solved only by peaceful means, through the respect of rights, justice and law." 

The Catholicos of All Armenians placed great importance to the mission of the spiritual leaders, noting that they are "the sowers of spiritual values". His Holiness stressed that goodwill and mutual confidence are the result of spiritual values, and stated his satisfaction for the initiative of inter-religious cooperation manifested by the authorities of the Russian Federation under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin. 

Also during the first session, Mr. Armen Smbatian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Russian Federation, read the message of Mr. Robert Kocharian, President of the Republic of Armenia, addressed to the Forum participants. 

Nearly 200 clergymen from the CIS countries, among them spiritual leaders representing Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist faiths, as well as state officials, are participating in the Forum.