His Holiness Condolences on the occasion of the passing of Louise Manoogian Simone

His Holiness Condolences on the occasion of the passing of Louise Manoogian Simone 20.02.2019

It was with great sorrow that we were learned of the death of Louise Manoogian Simone, a true and beloved child of our Apostolic Holy Church, a great national benefactor, and a valued daughter of our people.

It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the great loss of this renowned Armenian and reflect with sweetness upon the luminous pursuits undertaken with patriotic and church-loving spirit during her God-graced life, as well as the vast range of her activities for the sake of the church and nation.

Louise Manoogian Simone of blessed memory was a God-given light and blessing to our nation and church as an Armenian patriot devoted to the life of the Church. She reflected anew the glory of the Manoogians’ beneficent legacy and genuinely emerged as the greatest philanthropist and devotee of our Armenian reality. Her enormous generosity and nation-building projects established the name of Louise Manoogian Simone in golden letters as one of the great Armenian benefactors — on list of our nation’s most honored children.

The beneficence of the newly-departed Louise Manoogian Simone are evident in the diasporan life of our people as well as in the homeland. For many years in the capacity of the President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, as well as personally throughout her entire life and through the Manoogian Simone Foundation, she realized her patriotic mission for her nation. Through her heartfelt generosity, she brought immeasurable support to the healing of the wounds from the terrible earthquake, to the strengthening of the newly-independent homeland, to the struggle and eventual victory for the founding of Artsakh, as well as to the prosperity of our life in the homeland. Thanks to her the American University of Armenia was established and developed, multiple cultural programs came about, and educational institutions were founded — under whose roof generations of youth are educated and mature. Our diasporan communities were also under the care and special attention of our people’s gracious daughter, as well as national, educational and cultural institutions, with the goal of preserving the Armenian national identity and Armenian upbringing.

With her ever-glowing love toward our Holy Church, and her great fervor for the fruitfulness of its mission, the newly-departed Louise Manoogian Simone cultivated our spiritual-ecclesiastical vineyard through her many good works.

These good works encompassed all aspects of Church life: the mission of preparing a new generation of clergy, through the aid given to Gevorkian, Vazgenian and St. Nersess Theological Seminaries, assistance to the Youth centers, to the Izmirlian Medical Center, to the maintenance of the soup  kitchens, the construction of three churches in the capital of Yerevan and many other projects for the church became a true gift to our nation and church, making her worthy of abundant heavenly blessings. Louise Manoogian Simone has shown support with special commitment and personal sincere feelings to the enhancement of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, to the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, and to the renovation of the Museum which bears the names of her beloved parents, Alex and Marie Manoogian. She also assisted with the construction of new facilities and always helped to ensure the well-being of the Mother See.

The illumined and gracious person of Louise Manoogian Simone will remain irreplaceable in our soul. She was dear to us, with her honest and gentle friendship, her modest and humble nature, and her patriotic and noble character. The bright and unforgettable memory of the newly-departed Louise Manoogian Simone will always stay in the heart of our people and in my own as Patriarch — our people who understand very well the necessity of honoring its heroic sons and daughters, to praise their glory and to inspire new generations with such wonderful examples of patriotism. The departed Louise Manoogian Simone continues her path toward immortality. Indeed, “the one born mortal leaves with us her immortal memory.”
With deep mourning, on behalf of the Supreme Spiritual Council and the Brotherhood of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, we express our deep sympathy to the brother of the departed, the great national benefactor Richard Manoogian, and to her children, the beloved Mark, David, and Chris as well as her loving grandchildren.

We pray that Merciful Lord receive the soul of His faithful handmaiden in the light and rest of the luminous altars of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rest in peace, dear Louise, and according to the salvific promise, “enter into the joy of your Lord” (Matt 25.21) and enjoy eternal and everlasting blessedness.
Incense, prayer and blessings are offered to your radiant and unfading memory.


With sympathy and blessing,