Graduation Ceremonies Gevorkian Theological Seminary of Holy Etchmiadzin and Vaskenian Theological Seminary of Sevan

On June 16, graduation ceremonies of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary of Holy Etchmiadzin were held in the Reception Hall in the Residence of the Catholicos, ending the 2002-2003 academic year. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided during the event. Nineteen students graduated from the Seminary this year. 

Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Vardapet Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, delivered opening remarks, after which Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Archpriest Sargisian, Dean of the Seminary, reported on the activities of the University during the past year. 

Awards were presented to the students in each of the six levels who achieved the highest grades, exhibited progress in their studies and maintained exemplary behavior and discipline. At the conclusion of the ceremony, His Holiness offered his blessings to the families in attendance, congratulated the seminarians, and specifically addressing the recent graduates, stated his eagerness for the young men to complete the preparation process, and defend their theses, so that they may enter into the ranks of clergy in serving the Mother Church of the Armenians. 

For many years, the Gevorkian Theological Seminary of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin was the only functioning institution of spiritual education in Armenia. Last year, per the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, it was recognized as an accredited institution of higher learning, and now has University status. The Dean of the Seminary noted especially, that four new departments have been established, and introduced their chairmen. The four departments are: the Department of Theology, the Department of Ecclesiology, the Department of Linguistics and the Department of History and Philosophy. The creation of these departments was considered fundamental and corresponds to generally accepted University criteria. 

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Graduation Ceremonies of the Vaskenian Theological Seminary of Sevan 

On June 15, closing ceremonies were also held for the 2002-2003 academic year of the Vaskenian Theological Seminary of Lake Sevan. Members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, teachers, seminarians, guests and former graduates attended the ceremony. 

During the ceremony, Rev. Fr. Karekin Harutiunian, the newly appointed Dean of the Vaskenian Seminary, welcomed those in attendance and noted: "I am filled with feelings of surprise and admiration, seeing the students living under the severe climatic conditions of Sevan, and the severely limited amenities of the Seminary, who nevertheless display an unshakeable spirit to study and pray to God. We express gratitude to all those who contributed to the creation of that unshakeable spirit." 

During the academic year, the Seminarians actively participate in the spiritual life and church services of the Diocese of Gegharkunik. Very Rev. Fr. Derenik Davitian, Acting Primate of the Diocese of Gegharkunik, stressed the Seminary?s importance and mission in the life of the Diocese. 

The sixteen graduates of the Seminary have successfully passed their exams, and in the coming academic year, will continue their studies in the sixth and final level of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary of Holy Etchmiadzin.