Gevorkian Theological Seminary 2017-2018 Academic Year Opening Ceremony at Mother See

Gevorkian Theological Seminary 2017-2018 Academic Year Opening Ceremony at Mother See 12.09.2017

On September 12, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; the opening ceremony for the 2017-18 academic year of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary was held in the Events Auditorium.

The ceremony was opened with the Lord’s Prayer following which the blessing of the
students was offered.

Following the Lord’s Prayer, and the singing of the hymns of the Gevorkian Theological
Seminary, Rev. Fr. Garegin Hambardzumyan, Dean of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, delivered opening remarks. Father Garegin, congratulating everyone on the launch of the new academic year, stated that out of 48 applicants, 18 were admitted as first year students to the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, and another 18 to the Vaskenian Theological Academy.

Referring to the role and mission of the seminary, Fr. Garegin noted that the future children of the Armenian nation are shaped here, for which the most important motivation must be the quality in shaping minds and humanity, to be consoling to those in sorrow, to offer everlasting prayers to the Creator of the universe, to not be indifferent to any occurrences in life. “There is no knowledge and learning, if it is not intended to be a beneficial investment in others' lives, if it is not acquired by that consciousness that every gift is from the Lord”, stated Fr. Garegin.

In his remarks, Father Garegin informed about the active participation of the seminarians in different projects - pastoral, educational and social programs during the vacation period. The Seminary Dean also reflected on a number of educational, scientific, publishing and cultural programs to be implemented in the coming academic year. The year is noted as significant for the Seminary, with the start of the postgraduate education which was approved last year.

During the ceremony, the Gevorkian Theological Seminary choir performed Komitas songs, led by Deacon Artur Vardanyan. A string quartet from the Youth Union of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese performed “Summer” of the "Four Seasons" by A. Vivaldi.

The opening of the new academic year of the Seminary was brought to a close with the
blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.
His Holiness conveyed his best wishes and congratulations on the occasion of the new academic year, noting that each time this event creates new hopes and visions, which should be realized through prayers and deeds, and grant results to our nation and Holy Church.

Reflecting on the image of a clergyman, His Holiness emphasized that the Armenian Church has greatly  emphasized, and the nation admires, the spiritual service of a clergyman with strong faith in the national life, armed with knowledge, and who act with the spirit of love and devotion.

“The faithful servant of Christ is not described only by his worn frock but he himself values his calling and uniform, succeeds his assumed mission, overcomes trials for the love towards God and people, endures deprivations with patience and understanding, and sheds the love and peace of our Lord in the lives of his faithful flock and people”, said His Holiness, adding that with such an understanding, under the guidance of the Faculty, the lecturers will carry out the mission of educating and raising clergymen.

The Armenian Pontiff encouraged the students to be guided with the same consciousness in their studies, to become a worthy son of the Holy Church, having the example of Armenian illuminators, translator teachers, Narekatsi, Nerses the Graceful, Komitas, and many others, whose glory and work have shone through centuries of Armenian history.

His Holiness conveyed his appreciation and blessing to the administration, faculty and students, wishing that the Holy Right Hand of the Lord protect everyone.

The ceremony was concluded with the “Protector” prayer.

Attending the ceremony were members of the Brotherhood of the Mother See, administration and teaching staff of the spiritual and educational institutions of the Mother See, students of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary and invited guests.