Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ and Blessing of the Newly Married in the Mother See

Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ and Blessing of the Newly Married in the Mother See 14.02.2016

On February 14, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church celebrated the service of blessing for the newly married. This year the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus coincided with the second week of Lent, the Sunday of Expulsion.

On this occasion, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; presided over a Divine Liturgy in the Mother Cathedral. The celebrant was Rev. Fr. Partev Barseghyan.

In his sermon, Fr. Partev reflected on the wonder of the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus and the importance of this feast in the life of Christians.

“In today's parable, we are also seeing a family picture familiar to the traditional Armenian perception, that is, Joseph and Mary. Taking their child, the infant Jesus, to the temple, bringing with them a pair of turtledoves or two young doves. The example of this family is also a lesson for today. Especially for newly married couples, who are going to build their family through mutual love and strong confidence.

Under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; this day has been proclaimed as a Blessing Day for the Newly Married, in the hope and conviction that newly formed families, receiving God's Blessing, will build their castle in the example of Joseph and Mary, remaining faithful to our beliefs and sacred traditions”, he stated in part.

Addressing the newlyweds, Fr. Partev added: “On this day Joseph and Mary had brought with them not goats and bulls into the temple, that were traditionally brought by the rich, but they brought simple and graceful gifts, of which a turtledove symbolizes chastity and fidelity, and the dove symbolizes calmness and gentleness. The turtledove is exceptionally faithful to her companion and the dove takes care not only for her hatchlings but also for others’ hatchlings”.

At the conclusion, Father Partev expressed his wish that these virtues will not diminish from the life of the newlyweds and that through their discretion, fidelity and humility, they become worthy sons and daughters of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church.

Following the Divine Liturgy, under the presidency of His Holiness, a service of blessing was offered for the newly married, which was also attended by newly married deacons.

Following the service, Catholicos Karekin II received the newly married deacons of Mother See, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Hovnan Hakobyan, Grand Sacristan of Mother See.
His Holiness conveyed his appreciation and pontifical message to the deacons, noting that for him, as the Armenian Pontiff, it is pleasing to see how a large number of deacons have created their own families. His Holiness expressed confidence that by God's will many of them will join the ranks of the clergy in the near future.

Addressing the newly married wives of the deacons, His Holiness urged them to be the supporters of their husbands through the realization of their spiritual mission. The Catholicos of All Armenians also wished that the newly married youth be happy, loving and compassionate to one another and together solve all the difficulties of life.

Extending glory and praise to God, His Holiness confirmed that due to the devoted service of the Armenian clergy, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church is strengthened day by day, and the devout sons and daughters unite around the Armenian Church.