Feast of St. Vartan the Captain and Companions in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

On February 7, the Feast of St. Vartan the Captain and Companions, was solemnly commemorated in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. A Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Cathedral by the Very Rev. Fr. Makar Hovhannisian. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, presided over the Divine Liturgy.

The Feast of St. Vartan the Captain and his 1036 Companions, marks their martyrdom 1551 years ago in the battle of Avarayr, fighting for the freedom of conscience and religion for the Armenian Nation. It was to be the first testimony of many to follow that the Armenians were a people who freely chose Christ, remained steadfast in their Christian faith, and would not betray that faith for any ransom. "Vartanants" as it is commonly called, is one of the most sacred feasts of the Armenian people.

In the Armenian Church, the Feast day of St. Vartan the Captain and Companions is also celebrated as the Naming Day of His Holiness Karekin II. To mark the occasion, at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, a Pontifical Prayer was offered before the Holy Altar of Descent.

Following Divine Liturgy, His Holiness attended a special luncheon where he was joined by the members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, as well as the students of the Kevorkian Theological Seminary.

Later that same evening, a festive program, dedicated to the Feast of Vartanants, was held in the reception hall inside the official residence of the Catholicos (the Veharan).

The welcoming speech of the evening was by Archpriest Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Sarkissian, the Dean of the Kevorkian Theological Seminary. The keynote speaker for the program was one of the lecturers of the Seminary, Professor Bedros Bedirian, Doctor of Philological Sciences. He delivered a speech entitled "The Mystery of Vartanank".

The students of the Seminary presented a cultural program including church hymns, national songs, and poetry dedicated to Sts. Vartanants, and in so doing, stated the truth that their heroic spirit has been transmitted and is living in the soul of each new generation.

During the evening's festivities, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, addressed those gathered in attendance. "It is our wish that today each Armenian should be baptized by the mystery and sacrament of Sts. Vartanants," said His Holiness.

Giving his blessings to all those assembled, His Holiness reminded everyone, that each Armenian has a unique Naming Day. Many are given names of specific saints in the calendar of the church. However, for all those who cannot celebrate their naming day during the course of the church year, the Feast of Sts. Vartanants has been designated through tradition as the Naming Day for the entire Armenian Nation.

He gave his pontifical blessings, offering a prayer to God and congratulated all those whose day of naming is celebrated on this day.