Feast of St. Vardan the Warrior and His Companions in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

On February 16, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church commemorated the feast day of St. Vardan the Warrior. On this occasion, the Brotherhood of the Mother See, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; attended the Divine Liturgy in the St. Gayane Monastery of the Mother See.
The Celebrant was His Grace Bishop Vardan Navasardyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of the Baltic States.
The sacred ceremony was attended by Diocesan Primates, Brotherhood of the Mother See and many faithful Armenians.
During the Holy Service, in his sermon, His Grace Bishop Vardan Navasardyan spoke about the sacrament of the St. Vardan the Warrior and His Companions; specifically stating: "The battle of Avarair was the struggle for the existence of our nation.
…The war of Vardanants was a war of choice of faith- we chose the path of faith and that faith always helped us; many times we were tormented, we were subjected to various trials on the way to Calvary; we were crucified, but by choosing Christ, the leader of eternal life, we overcame, we got up, came back to life, renewed our fighting spirit and stood again in front of the trials coming from the evil side”.
Bishop Vardan emphasized that even today we are going through trials and even today the inspiring message of the War of Vardanants rings in our ears, reminding us of our choice made for the sake of faith.
Bishop Vardan urged the faithful to choose the renewal of faith and follow the path of the powerful message of the Vardanants martyrs.
On behalf of the Clergy and the faithful, His Grace Bishop Vardan congratulated His Holiness on the occasion of His Naming Day. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a Pontifical Prayer Service was offered under the presidency of His Grace Bishop Moushegh Babayan, Grand sacristan of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.
A prayer was raised to God by the clergy and the faithful for the longevity and productive enthronement of the Pontiff of All Armenians.