Feast of Saint Hripsime and Her Companions Celebrated in Mother See

Feast of Saint Hripsime and Her Companions Celebrated in Mother See 13.06.2017

On June 12, the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church commemorated the sacred feast of St. Hripsime and her companions. This sacred day is also the pilgrimage Day for the Monastery of St. Hripsime, when the relic of the Holy Right Hand is taken to Monastery of St. Hripsime from the Mother See.

An ecclesiastical procession, led by the drum band of the AGBU Armenian Church Youth Centers, walked to the Monastery of St. Hripsime. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, blessed the faithful with the relic of Holy Right Hand, then in front of the St. Gregory the Illuminator arch, His Holiness transferred the Holy Relic to His Grace Bishop Hovnan Hakobyan, Grand Sacristan of Mother See.

The procession was met in front the St. Hripsime Monastery by His Grace Bishop Artak Tigranyan, Dean of the Monasteries of the Mother See.

On the occasion of the feast, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Hambardzoom Arabyan, a member of the Brotherhood of Mother See.

During the Divine Liturgy, Father Hambardzoom reflected on the life and history of martyrdom of the St. Hripsime and her companion nuns, and loyalty and devotion displayed towards Christ and the Christian faith.

Father Hambardzoom urged the faithful to prayerfully ask for the intercession of St. Hripsime for our native country and Armenian families, in order to overcome all the difficulties of life and continue to create and live in peace.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Artak Tigranyan presided over the blessing of the faithful and blessing of the four corners of the world (Andastan) service.

The festive service was attended by the Brotherhood of Mother See and pilgrims led by spiritual pastors traveled from different dioceses.