Divine Liturgy at the Holy Mother of God Church in Melbourne

Divine Liturgy at the Holy Mother of God Church in Melbourne 10.02.2019

On February 10, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; offered a Divine Liturgy in the Holy Mother of God Church in Melbourne of the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.

The Divine Liturgy was attended by members of the diocesan council and the parish church board; representatives of Sister Churches; heads of Armenian organizations and numerous faithful Armenians.

The procession, which was also attended by clergy of the Sister Churches, led the Catholicos of All Armenians to the church, where His Holiness offered a Divine Liturgy.

His Eminence Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan, Director of the External Relations and Protocol Department of the Mother See and His Grace Bishop Haikazoon Najaryan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand assisted His Holiness during the Divine Liturgy.

During the Divine Liturgy the Catholicos of All Armenians once again conveyed his blessings and message to the Armenians in Melbourne.

“It is a great joy in our souls today that through God’s graces we visited you and brought the greetings from our native country- from your sisters and brothers and we also brought the light and blessings of the Holy Etchmiadzin.

We have nice memories of the meeting with you years ago. With the same feelings we are united today under the blessed arches of this Church to glorify God and enjoy the delight of our meeting”, stated His Holiness. The Armenian Pontiff also expressed gratitude to the Almighty God that in Melbourne, Armenians from different Diaspora communities continue the devout course and traditions of their fathers, strengthening them in the community life and educate the new generation.

In this regard, His Holiness stated: “It is the love towards Etchmiadzin that kept the love towards the church and Homeland firm in your souls. Indeed, the history of our people has testified that it is not impossible to imagine the Armenian life without the Holy Echmiadzin, which connects Armenians around the world with a strong faith in Christ, the heritage of our ancestors, our homeland and our sacred values. Through Holy Etchmiadzin we have always been strong and victorious, believing in the truth of the Apostle's word:

“If God Is for Us, Who Will Be Against Us?”

His Holiness also reflected on the contribution of Australian Armenians to the strengthening of the national life.

“You should be proud of your praiseworthy accomplishments that will be a new impetus for spiritual reawakening and reaffirming of your will and determination, to live with faith and love and devotion towards the national deposits. So, dear faithful you should be able to keep the course of your children firm in the Lord's pathway, on the path indicated by our fathers through which they have lived, worked and survived in the crossroads of history”, stated His Holiness, urging together, with the help of each other prosper our national-ecclesiastical life and homeland, to contribute to the strengthening of the Armenian victorious army and the recognition of Artsakh's independence and protection of our just rights.

Conveying his love and God’s graces to all Australian Armenians, His Holiness also conveyed his blessing and appreciation to the Diocesan Primate, the clergy and the honorable members and employees of the diocesan and parish councils, educational, national and cultural institutions supporting their mission.

At the conclusion His Holiness wished that the Almighty God preserves all Australian-Armenians under his Holy Right Hand, grant them successes to brighten their spiritual-ecclesiastical and national life.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the Armenian Cross (Khachkar), erected near the church was opened, in honor of the pastoral visit of the Catholicos of All Armenians in Melbourne. On this occasion His Holiness conveyed his blessings to the faithful Armenians who have contributed to the installation of the Khachkar.