Deacon’s Choir of the Mother See to Depart for Europe to Give Concert Performances on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Archimandrite Komitas (Vardapet)

Deacon’s Choir of the Mother See to Depart for Europe to Give Concert Performances on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Archimandrite Komitas (Vardapet) 03.12.2019

On December 03, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received and conveyed his paternal Blessings and best wishes to the Deacon's Choir of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and its conductor Mr. Shahe Keshishyan.

On December 04, with the Blessings of the Pontiff of All Armenians; with the efforts of His Eminence Archbishop Natan Hovhannisian, Director of the External Relations and Protocol Department of the Mother See, and through the initiative of His Eminence Archbishop Khajak Parsamyan, Patriarchal Delegate of Western Europe, the Choir, which has been formed this year, will depart for Europe to give concert performances dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Archimandrite Komitas (Vardapet). The Choir will perform in the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy.

 The first performances of the Deacon's Choir are scheduled on December 05 and 06, at the Holy Spirit Church in Amsterdam and the St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Almelo. From December 07 to 09, the Choir will perform in Belgium: at the Mother Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula) of Brussels, St. Servatius Church and in Antwerp, and on December 12 and 14, they will perform in Rome: at Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere of Rome and Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore of Milan Churches.

During the trip, the Choir also will participate in the Divine Liturgies at the Armenian Churches of Belgium and Italy.

Emphasizing the universal importance of the revelation and popularization of the works of Komitas, His Holiness wished the Choir a successful concert trip.