Consecration of Holy Cross Church of Aparan

On Sunday, May 5, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, accompanied by the members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, traveled to the Diocese of Aragatsotn, to consecrate the Church of the Holy Cross in Aparan, Armenia.

The basilica church dates back to the fourth century. Divine Liturgy had not been celebrated in the structure since the beginning of the Soviet period, as it had been effectively destroyed and left in ruins. The sanctuary was rebuilt and renovated due to the generosity of a number of benefactors from the Diaspora and Armenia. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Yervand and Adrine Shakelian of Aleppo, Syria; Mr. and Mrs. Levon and Mary Nahikian of Nicosia, Cyprus; Mr. Hovhannes Margarian, Mr. Yervand Frangoulian and Mr. Vrezh Markosian, of Armenia; and other individuals from throughout the world.

As per Armenian Church tradition, the Catholicos consecrated the Holy Altar of the church. Following the consecration, Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the Rev. Fr. Mampre Badurian. In his remarks, His Holiness congratulated the faithful in attendance on the occasion of the consecration of their ?new? church, and expressed appreciation to the benefactors and all those who had participated in the construction and renovation of the building.

Addressing the faithful gathered from throughout Armenia, His Holiness stated, ?I have learned from my parents the past trials of this church and community. They witnessed how this church was destroyed during the Soviet period, and how the priests of this village were exiled and perished in Siberia under Stalin?s reign. They taught me how you, remaining faithful to the spirit and character of St. Ghevont the Priest, did not renounce your faith and preferred death to rejection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is due to that very same faith that this church has been standing since the fourth century, and is once again a sanctuary for your worship, prayers and communion with God. That faith has protected your families, and has honored your efforts, struggles and difficult battles with the crown of success.?

For decades, in spite of its condition, the church had always remained a holy shrine for the thousands of villagers of Aparan, where they would gather to pray. In the past ten years, following Independence, Divine Liturgy services resumed in the ruins of the building.

As a gift to the newly consecrated edifice, His Holiness presented a Holy Communion Chalice to the church. The Governor of the Aragatsotn region, Deputies of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Armenia, representatives of regional and municipal authorities, were among the thousands gathered to attend the events of the day. Benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Shakelian were also present for this special occasion.