Conference of Bishops in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Conference of Bishops in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 28.11.2003

Under the auspices and blessing of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, a two-day Conference of Bishops commenced on October 28 in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Nearly 40 Bishops from throughout the world, representing the Dioceses of Armenia and the Diaspora, gathered in the spiritual center of the Armenian Church upon the invitation of His Holiness, to participate in the meeting dedicated to the 1,700th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Mother Cathedral of All Armenians. Primates and bishops from throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Australia came to Armenia to meet as a whole for the first time since the National Ecclesiastical Assembly in 1999. 

Prior to the opening of the meeting, the bishops assembled in the Mother Cathedral and renewed their oaths by offering their prayers in Midday Services as His Holiness presided. The ranks of bishops then gathered in the Great Hall of the Pontifical Residence, and His Eminence Archbishop Zaven Chinchinian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Egypt and Chairman of the Organizing Committee, delivered his opening remarks and the Conference commenced under the presidency of the Catholicos of All Armenians. 

His Holiness Karekin II addressed his welcoming words and conveyed his blessings to the bishops. In his message, the Pontiff of All Armenians stressed the important mission of the College of Bishops in the life of the Armenian Church and People. 

The Catholicos stated in part, "Founded by the Apostles, the bishop is first and foremost the servant of the Church, as well as the leader and director, who is called to be the zealous advocate of the doctrine of our Armenian Apostolic faith, the follower of the righteous way of life and activities of our Holy Fathers, the leader in the paths of the commandments of the Gospel, and the protector of the faithful flock under his care. Further, our bishops are also called to be the legates and ambassadors of Holy Etchmiadzin." 

His Holiness proposed that similar meetings should be convened on a regular basis, stressing the important task before them of discussing and deciding on the present-day challenges, issues and concerns which face our people, nation and Church throughout the world. 

His Grace Bishop Norvan Zakarian from France and His Grace Bishop Yeznik Petrossian from the Mother See, were two of the speakers on the agenda for the first day. Following both of the reports, the bishops engaged in active discussions. 

The second day of meetings continued on October 29, where Dr. Azat Bozoyan was invited to present a report regarding the history of Councils of Bishops in national and Armenian Church annals. At the conclusion of the two-day conference, the Conference of Bishops issued the following communiquй: 

"Through the mercy of Almighty God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Conference of Bishops convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin (28-29 October 2003) by the invitation and under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, concluded its' work. 

"As the conference progressed, discussion focused on a variety of important topics, including doctrinal, liturgical, canonical, social, moral and ecumenical issues which are facing the Armenian Church today. 

"During the two-day meeting, the Conference of Bishops, according great importance to the detailed discussion of these matters, applied to His Holiness with a request to regularly convene similar meetings once every two years. The goal of such meetings shall be to study and engage in comprehensive discussion of matters concerning the Armenian Church, and clarifying the official viewpoint of the Church on those issues. The Conference further asked that His Holiness approve of the establishment of an office in the Mother See to coordinate the work and activity of future Conferences of Bishops. 

In his closing remarks, His Holiness expressed his appreciation to the committee which organized the Conference of Bishops, noting his satisfaction with the productive work and positive results. Further, His Holiness approved the presented proposals, and gave his blessing for the scheduling of regular meetings of the bishops, as well as the establishment of the corresponding office in the Mother See. 

"His Grace Bishop Vasken Mirzakhanian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia, was appointed as the Executive Secretary of the Office of the Conference of Bishops. The two-day Conference of Bishops concluded with a closing prayer."