With deep concern, the Supreme Spiritual Council received the news from the Diocesan Council of the Canadian Diocese of the Armenian Church, that the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia has brought to its painful conclusion, the process of the establishment of a parallel administrative structure within the region of the Canadian Armenian Diocese, canonically comprised as part of the Pontificate of All Armenians, in spite of the fraternal exhortations made by the Catholicos of All Armenians and the Supreme Spiritual Council. 

This move has neither justifiable explanation nor foundation whatsoever, from ecclesiological or hierarchical perspectives, or within the context of the unspoiled preservation of the spiritual unanimity of the Armenian people. The issue is more than the establishment of one more un-canonical diocese. It is the confirmation that the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, is not ready to reconsider its divisive spirit adopted in 1956, and in accord with the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, to reestablish the canonical status within the Armenian Church. In spite of its assurances of being dedicated to the motto "One Nation, One Homeland, and One Church", the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, with "new reorganizations" is attempting to persistently expand and to solidify the dioceses it seized with political motivations, from the Catholicosate of All Armenians during the years of the cold war, deepening the division within the Armenian Church, and jeopardizing the improved relations which began in 1988 with the Mother See. 

The Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia does not desire to see the changed circumstances prevailing in this present world or the imperatives conditioned by the reality of the independence of the Homeland, nor does it value the spirit of the new era, which proposes the demand to reestablish and keep unspoiled the unity of the Armenian Church and Nation. 

Any attempt to breach the unanimity and unity of our people dispersed throughout the world, which is the supreme and timeless goal of the Armenian Church, will face the firm resolve of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to keep that unity unspoiled and unshaken. 

Holy Etchmiadzin appeals to all faithful children of Canada and all seized dioceses of the Mother See, stating that her paternal love towards all is unchangeable, because regardless of under what guise and despite references to "the will of the people", (a transparent old device used to attempt to justify such measures), undoubtedly no nation has the desire to be in dissention. 

The Mother See once again fraternally calls on the Catholicosate of Cilicia to sound judgment, welcoming every step directed to overcoming the discord and the reestablishment of the canonical status within the Armenian Church, and invites her children to be zealous and unified on the road of the settlement of disunity - a rift born from the dictates of difficult times, and in effect for half a century. "Primacy of Love" - here is the mystery of the supremacy of the Mother See, as it was yesterday, as it is today, and forever. 

Supreme Spiritual Council
Catholicosate of All Armenians