Ceremonies in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Birth of H. H. Karekin I

On August 25, a newly placed memorial stone on the grounds of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin was blessed by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. The stone marks the location of the future Yeghishй Manoukian Manuscript Library (Matenadaran) and Karekin I Theological-Armenological Research Center.

His Eminence Archbishop Datev Sarkissian spoke, expressing his deep gratitude to His Holiness for the kind initiative, and mentioning the love that the late Catholicos had towards books. His Eminence also spoke about the patriotic activity of national benefactors of the Armenian Church - Yeghishй Manoukian and his son, Vatchй Manoukian, and noted that the inauguration of the Karekin I Theological-Armenological Research Center is the manifestation of the greatest respect for the late Pontiff.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, His Holiness addressed a message to those in attendance. ?The book and its value are identified with the person of Catholicos Karekin I, and in that sense, the Pontiff was perhaps the most deserving descendant of our ancestors and forefathers. Today we should try to evaluate his life and activity, and surely, special significance should be accorded to his contribution made in the sphere of books and literature,? noted His Holiness.

The Vatchй and Tamar Manoukian Family has been instrumental is supporting the Armenian Church, and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. For many years, they have been ever ready to provide their assistance and contribution to advancing the mission of the Armenian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Manoukian have generously given their aid and support to His Holiness Karekin II since his election to the throne of St. Gregory the Illuminator, and their support is felt in every aspect of the life of the Mother See. The Manoukians are also the benefactors of the St. Yeghishй Armenian Church in London.

Later that same evening, a special program dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Catholicos Karekin I of blessed memory, was held in the reception hall of the Catholicosal Residence (Veharan). His Holiness Karekin II presided during the program. Members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, Minster of Science and Education Mr. Levon Mkrtchian, and relatives of H.H. Karekin I were in attendance.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, His Holiness Karekin II addressed his message, stating, ?The late Pontiff felt and imagined the role of the Armenian Apostolic Church traveling inside the soul and mind of the nation. And that by means of the Incarnated life of Christ, they would be renovated and be given a new sense of purpose. The glory of our ancestors, combined with an assured gaze into the future, would lead people to believe and move forward. Seamlessly combining the Christian faith and national image in himself, His Holiness Karekin I tirelessly made all of his days and hours very fruitful; his each step in all spheres of spiritual activity ? whether it was during his tenure as Dean, Primate or Catholicos. That was his essence, his principle of leading and living. His mission was service to God, to nation, to Church and to Motherland,? said His Holiness.

The Yerevan Chamber Choir, directed by Harutiun Topikian, presented a concert program during the ceremony.