Catholicos of All Armenians Visited the Hamazkayin’s “Arshak and Sophie Golsten” Seminary

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, who is on a Pontifical visit to Australia, on February 5 visited the Hamazkayin’s “Arshak and Sophie Golsten” Seminary. He was accompanied by his retinue and His Grace Bishop Haikazoon Najaryan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Austria and New Zealand.
In front of the educational institution, His Holiness was welcomed by Eddy Demirchyan, Dean of the Seminary, the teaching staff and about 350 pupils with salt and bread. Following the salt and bread service everyone was gathered in the seminary hall.
Following the remarks of the Dean of the Seminary, the students presented artistic performances, granting great satisfaction and joy to the Catholicos of All Armenians.
At the conclusion of the performance, Bishop Haikazoon asked His Holiness to convey his blessings to the students.
The Catholicos of All Armenians expressed his joy on the occasion of being the third time in the Seminary and see the bright faces of the young Armenians and the warmth of the heart and soul, particularly recalling his one-day visit to Australia to attend the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the educational center.
His Holiness stressed that he is always interested in the activity of the Seminary and perspectives of the establishment, follows the recorded successes, noting with satisfaction that the institution continues to be the object of love of the Armenian community and the Armenian parents have the zeal to send their children to Armenian school.
“You know that our people give a special significance for school and education. But the Armenian school is not just a knowledge for our children, the Armenian school creates the spirit of the Armenian. So, today, when we are listening to the performance of our delicate children, in these performances we can see the pedagogues' aspiration to connect the souls of our children to their homeland, history, their past, the rich heritage through which our people could survive for centuries, to face all the difficulties and trials”, said His Holiness.
Referring to the importance of the communication with the homeland, His Holiness stated: “Here, children were sweetly performing that they love Armenia. Indeed, Armenia is depicted in these words, Armenia is represented to everybody. They read about Armenia from the books, through books and stories of their parents they are familiar to Armenia, but love gives strength and power, love builds will in those children that they are the children of Armenia”.
The Catholicos of All Armenians spoke about visiting churches, praying, God-worshipping, the importance of attending the services and school-church relation.
“The school can not alone accomplish and build the vision we have- a worthy, conscious, patriotic Armenian who has a zeal for the bright future of our people. The idea of educating a worthy son of the nation can only be completed when school and the Church are present in the life of our children. It is very appreciated and we are very happy that our children study here the Armenian language, become communicated to our history. The Church is also first of all the treasury of our nation. The fact is the history of the past”, stressed His Holiness Karekin II, urging the young people to maintain a strong relation with the church.
The Catholicos of All Armenians expressed his private appreciation to board members of the Seminary, Dean of the Seminary, pedagogues and parents for their commitment and dedicated work. His Holiness conveyed his blessings and appreciation to Bishop Haikazoon, Diocesan Council, members of the parish council and clergy.
Bidding farewell to the educational institution, His Holiness said: “Dear friends, we came here to say that we love you, we love everyone, all those who bring service in this facility, we love the parents who bring their children to this school at the price of every sacrifice. We love the students of this institution that are the light and hope of the Armenian life and through their presence beautify and warm the Armenian life.
…We leave, taking you with us, bearing this beautiful image in our hearts and souls and you will always be with us in our prayers, minds, our service and our mission. May God bless you. May our appreciation, love be with you all. Stay in peace, stay in Lord's love”.
On the occasion of the visit, the Catholicos of All Armenians presented the students crosses brought from the Holy Etchmiadzin. A Holy Martyr's thumbnail was transferred to the Seminary.