Catholicos of All Armenians received the Priests of the Armavir Diocese

Catholicos of All Armenians received the Priests of the Armavir Diocese 12.08.2020

On August 12, in the Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Library of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received the priests of the Armavir Diocese led by His Eminence Archbishop Sion Adamian, Primate of the Diocese.

The meeting began with the Lord's Prayer, following which Archbihsop Sion, asking for the Blessings of His Holiness, expressed his joy for the visit to the Mother See. In his remarks, His Eminence confirmed that the clergy continues to implement its spiritual mission in those difficult conditions of pandemic. The Archbishop also expressed his deep gratitude to the Armenian Pontiff for the assistance provided to the socially vulnerable families in those pandemic conditions.

At the meeting, Very Rev. Fr. Senior Archimandrite Zakharia Baghumyan, Head of the Christian Education Center of the Mother See, presented a report on the State Public Educational Standards and subject standards, their problems, challenges and expressed concerns, once more time confirming the positions of the Mother See related to the latter. Father Zakharia stressed that the educational reforms should be aimed at creating a citizen in tune with the national identity, spiritual-national value system, moral description and the modern challenges for the benefit of the strengthening and continuity of the Armenian state. Father Zakharia also made a special reference to subject of the “History of the Armenian Church”, noting, that it is unacceptable to exclude the subject of the “History of the Armenian Church” from the public school as a separate component.

Discussions were made related to the report, during which the Catholicos of All Armenians held a question-answer session with the priests emphasizing the importance of the role of the clergy in the building and preservation of the Christian and national value system.

Then, Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan, Director of the Social Services Department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmaidzin, delivered a lecture on “The role of the social service in pastoral mission”, also presenting the social activities implemented by the Mother See in the pandemic conditions.

The lecture was followed by the discussion, during which the importance of the implementation of social service by the clergy was emphasized in various spheres of public life.

At the conclusion, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians; conveyed His appreciation and Pontifical Blessings to the Priesthood to implement their devoted service with commitment and responsibility.His Holiness emphasized the importance of the responsibility of each Clergyman in the security of the country, the education, and prosperity, progress of the people, and the strengthening of the state. The Armenian Patriarch urged the clergy to be brave, courageous, patient and protect the spiritual and national values zealously.

The meeting was concluded with the “Protector” prayer.

Such kinds of meetings with the clergy of the Armenian Dioceses are also planned in the near future, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.