Catholicos of All Armenians received the Members of the Boards of Directors and Trustees of the Fund for Armenian Relief

Catholicos of All Armenians received the Members of the Boards of Directors and Trustees of the Fund for Armenian Relief 26.09.2019

On September 26, in the Pontifical Residence, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received members of the Board of Directors and Trustees of the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, as well as the FAR benefactors and friendly people, who have come to Armenia on the occasion of the events dedicated to the 30 th anniversary of the FAR activities.

 At the meeting His Grace Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Patriarchal Delegate of Western Europe and representative of the Catholicos of All Armenians in Vatican, and Mr. Randy Sapah-Gulian, Chairman of FAR Board Directors, conveyed their welcoming remarks referring to the past path and activities of the Fund.

Then, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed His Pontifical Blessings to the attendees highly appreciating the useful work that has been implemented with the efforts of FAR in the country. His Holiness spoke about the important and valuable support of the organization to the people in various spheres. Conveying his private appreciation to FAR's missionary friends and benevolent Armenians, His Holiness exhorted the responsible authorities of the FAR to continue their support to the Armenian people and contribute to the strengthening and progress of the country due to their patriotic service.

The Armenian Pontiff also spoke about the mission of the Armenian Church during the years of independence of the Motherland, reflected on the social projects being implemented continuously by the Mother See. Introducing the challenges that the Church faces and the steps being taken to overcome them, His Holiness emphasized that the Church always lives with God-given hope and optimism implementing its mission due to the support of God, as well as, the zeal and devotion of the clergy and Church-devoted Armenian children. On this occasion, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed His appreciation to those Armenian children  who support the Armenian Church, assist the projects of the Mother See, due to the efforts of which the ecclesiastical life becomes brighter  and progressive.

During the meeting, the Pontiff of All Armenians also answered questions from those present, which were related to the activities of the Mother See in various spheres. At the conclusion, His Holiness prayed that God bless and support the FAR members, friendly people and benefactors for their beneficial initiatives.