Catholicos of All Armenians Received the Delegation of the Moscow State Pedagogical University

Catholicos of All Armenians Received the Delegation of the Moscow State Pedagogical University 22.12.2018

On December 22, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received the delegation of Professor Aleksey Lubkov, President of the Association of Pedagogical Universities of Eurasian Union, rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education. They were accompanied by Dr. Rouben Mirzakhanian, Rector of the Yerevan State Pedagogical University.

During the meeting, Mr. Rouben Mirzakhanian informed His Holiness about the existing cooperation between the two educational institutions and the prospects of its expansion.

Welcoming the close ties between the educational institutions of both countries and their steps to deepen them, the Catholicos of All Armenians highlighted such cooperation in the education and upbringing of younger generations. Conveying his blessings and appreciation to the heads of the universities, His Holiness expressed hope that the cooperation agreement re-signed between the institutions will give new opportunities to the university students and will contribute to the further development of ties between the two universities.

The Catholicos also noted with satisfaction that there is an established close cooperation between the educational institutions of the Mother See and various Armenian higher educational institutions, as well as secondary schools, which gives the future students of education and science opportunity to get acquainted with national-ecclesiastical and spiritual values.

In turn, Professor Aleksey Lubkov, Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, also considered important the re-signing of the agreement between the two universities and the further development of relations. During the meeting, Mr. Lubkov also presented the Catholicos of All Armenians the role and activity of the Moscow State Pedagogical University in the life of the Russian people, as well as the mutual cooperation with the spiritual educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

At the meeting both sides highlighted the spiritual education and upbringing of the younger generation whereby it is possible to maintain the purity of the national and spiritual traditions and moral values in the conditions of current challenges. They also reflected on the relations and close cooperation between the Armenian Apostolic and Russian Orthodox Churches in various fields.