Catholicos of All Armenians Received Minister of Justice of Kuwait , and Islamic Affairs and Religious Estates

Catholicos of All Armenians Received Minister of Justice of Kuwait , and Islamic Affairs and Religious Estates 24.03.2016

On March 23, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received  Mr. Yaqoub Al-Sanea, Minister of Justice, Minister of Religious Estates and Islamic Affairs of Kuwait, and his delegation. They were accompanied by the Minister of Justice Arpine Hovhannisyan of the Republic of Armenia and Mr. Fadey Charchoghlyani, Ambassador, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kuwait to the Republic of Armenia.

Welcoming the Minister's visit, His Holiness expressed satisfaction with the existing warm relations and expanding cooperation between the two countries.

His Holiness spoke about the Arab world, especially after the genocide, and the attention given to the Armenians. He expressed specific appreciation for the generosity shown towards the Armenian community by the Kuwait authorities. The Pontiff also expressed his hope that the friendly support of the government will help solve the problem of having a permanent church community.

During the meeting, His Holiness Karekin II noted with concern that in recent years outsiders and religious extremist forces are trying to sow seeds of discord between Christians and Muslims. His Holiness affirmed that a person cannot himself believe in God, while permitting offenses on God's creature, and strongly condemned such crimes against the Most High.

His Holiness stressed that in the Arab world, harmonious coexistence is a good example of peaceful and multi-ethnic and multi-religious countries. In this regard, he also said that the various religious heads were holding meetings and dialogue, and are making efforts for peace, mutual understanding and brotherhood to serve as a good example to their followers.

In his remarks, Minster Al-Sanea thanked His Holiness for the warm reception and gave his assurance that his actions will make efforts to further promote and develop the existing friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Speaking on tolerance towards religious and ethnic minorities, the Minister stated that the Kuwaiti authorities have expressed deep respect for Islam as well as representatives of religious Christians. He also condemned the violence exhibited by the extremists, confirming that the Kuwaiti government has again put all their efforts in preservation of peace and stability in the region.
The meeting was attended by Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyanm the Director of External Relations and Protocol Department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.