Catholicos of All Armenians Received Member of the European Parliament Mr. François-Xavier Bellamy

Catholicos of All Armenians Received Member of the European Parliament Mr. François-Xavier Bellamy 04.04.2021

On April 04, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Mr. François-Xavier Bellamy, member of the European Parliament; and his partner Mr. Giselen Farnakville; accompanied by Mr. Jonathan Lacote, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Armenia. On the same day, the French guests had been in attendance at the Pontifical Divine Liturgy in the St. Gregory the Illuminator Mother Cathedral of Yerevan.

His Holiness Karekin II conveyed his Blessings and best wishes to the guests, who were in Armenia on the Feast of Holy Resurrection – the cherished day of the Armenian people. On the occasion of the meeting, His Holiness expressed his gratitude to the French authorities and their friendly nation for supporting Armenia in all difficult times. The Armenian Pontiff expressed hope that the support of friendly countries will contribute to the stabilization of the situation in the region and the restoration of justice.

Then, Mr. François-Xavier Bellamy thanked His Holiness for the Easter wishes and Blessings, emphasizing that this is his first visit to Armenia, and it is a great honor for him to be in an ancient Christian country, the people of which are the bearers of the victorious values of the Resurrection.

The member of the European Parliament touched upon the aims of his visit: to get acquainted with the post-war situation, the current problems, in particular, the issues of the preservation of the Armenian spiritual and cultural values in Artsakh.

Presenting the damages caused by the second War of Artsakh and the current challenges in detail; the Pontiff of All Armenians, expressed hope, that the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan and the resulting events, will receive a proper reaction by the international community and the European Parliament.

His Holiness noted, that on the occasion of the Holy Resurrection, he prayed for the establishment of peace in the world, for our country and our people, so that we will be able to get out of this difficult situation, having the sacrament of the Resurrection before our eyes; relying on God; the faith of our ancestors, has brought us out of all difficult situations throughout the centuries, increasing the blessings and mercy in the Armenian life.