Catholicos of All Armenians Received Lebanese-Canadian University Representatives

On November 26, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Dr. Rony Abi Nakhle, President of the Lebanese-Canadian University (Lebanon); and Dr. Yolande Salem, President of the Board of Trustees at LCU, educative instances and students. They were accompanied by Ms. Miray Khanamiryan.
The guests presented His Holiness with the University's educational programs and activities, as well as the purpose of their visit to Armenia - to establish cooperation with higher education institutions. Dr. Nakhle informed His Holiness about the close relations between the University of Lebanon and the Armenian community, as a result of which Armenian students make up 10% of the university students.
During the meeting, His Holiness Karekin II conveyed his blessings and interest in the University educational programs and international cooperation projects.
Stressing the importance of their mission to educate according to international standards, His Holiness wished the University successful cooperation with the Armenian universities, stressing that joint projects will open new opportunities for the Armenian students, as well as contribute to the strengthening of relations between the two countries.