Catholicos of All Armenians Received AGBU President Berge Sedrakyan

Catholicos of All Armenians Received AGBU President Berge Sedrakyan 04.06.2019

On June 2, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union Mr. Berge Sedrakyan. During the meeting, the Catholicos of All Armenians and Mr. Berge Sedrakyan referred to the developments in Armenia, Artsakh and Armenian communities in Diaspora. A particular attention was paid to the initiatives undertaken by the Armenian Church and various national institutions, the ongoing social, educational and development programs. Ideas for effective use of Diaspora's potential at the current stage of the Motherland development was a subject of a private discussion.

Referring to the activities of the Church to intensify and strengthen its mission in the life of Armenians worldwide, His Holiness stressed the importance of the clergy preparation and retraining.

During the meeting, particularly was stressed the importance of the participation of Armenians worldwide, national and community institutions in the Cathedral strengthening and major renovation works, as a symbol of unity.

They exchanged views on the support of the benefactors of the Mother Cathedral and the faithful of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Among the numerous programs acting under the auspices of the Mother See and the AGBU in Armenia, the activities of the Youth Centers in different cities of Armenia were highlighted for schoolchildren and teenagers. Currently the AGBU is implementing a major renovation project in the Youth Center of Malatia in Yerevan.

The AGBU President, informing the Catholicos of All Armenians on his visit to different communities, including his recent visit to Lebanon, expressed gratitude for the constant support of the Armenian Church clergymen at all the AGBU initiatives aimed at the preservation of the Armenian identity in the Armenian, Artsakh and Diaspora communities. Mr. Sedrakyan also presented His Holiness details of several new programs launched in Artsakh.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his blessings and best wishes to the AGBU President Mr. Berge Sedrakyan, highly appreciating the continuing support by the Union to the Mother See and the worldwide Dioceses of the Armenian Church.