Catholicos of All Armenians Received Actor John Malkovich

Catholicos of All Armenians Received Actor John Malkovich 12.10.2017

On October 12, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received famous Hollywood actor, director, screenwriter and producer Mr. John Malkovich and his partner Ms. Nicoletta Peyran; who arrived in Armenia to participate the opening ceremony of the 5th Aram Khachaturian International Music Festival. They were accompanied by Mr. Armen Smbatyan, Adviser of the President of the Republic of Armenia on International Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation and Mr. Sergey Smbatyan, Conductor and artistic director of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia.

His Holiness expressed his appreciation to Mr. Malkovich for his sincere feelings towards the Armenian people, as well as for the recitation from Grigor Narekatsi's "The Book of Lamentations" during the festival opening, which gave the Armenian audience an unforgettable experience and caused great enthusiasm.

In his remarks, His Holiness reflected on the spiritual and cultural heritage created by the strong faith of the Armenian people over centuries, which today holds an important place in world culture.

Catholicos Karekin II also stressed that the organization of such cultural events current during times of social-economic difficulties and the constant threat of the resumption of war, is a great comfort to the people. His Holiness emphasized that Armenian society continues to contribute to the cultural sphere, becoming a part of world-famous artists' works and publications.

In turn, the renowned actor expressed gratitude to the Catholicos of All Armenians for the warm words, expressing his joy on the occasion of being in Armenia. He presented his future ambitions to His Holiness.

During the meeting, His Holiness answered the questions of Mr. Malkovich concerning the history of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and its role in the life of the Armenian people, as well as the vital activity of the Armenian communities in the Diaspora.

At the conclusion, the Catholicos of All Armenians wished to Mr. Malkovich success in continuing his mission in the field of art.

The meeting was attended by His Eminence Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan, Director of the External Relations and Protocol Department of Mother See.