Catholicos of All Armenians Meets Pupils of Saturday and Sunday Schools and Armenian Colleges

Catholicos of All Armenians Meets Pupils of Saturday and Sunday Schools and Armenian Colleges 28.10.2017

On the morning of October 27, in the St. Leon Mother Cathedral of the Western Diocese, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; met with students of the Saturday and Sunday schools and Armenian educational programs of the Diocese.

The students greeted and welcomed His Holiness with enthusiasm, applause, and singing of the Pontifical prayer.

Following the welcoming remarks the teachers and students of the educational institutions congratulated the Catholicos of All Armenians on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of his consecration, and gave him gifts for the occasion.

The pupils of the educational institutions presented artistic performances, patriotic songs and dances. Then His Holiness conveyed his blessings and best wishes to the pupils, teaching staff and faithful.

In his remarks His Holiness stated in part: “Dear faithful, you are Armenia, You are Holy Etchmiadzin, and through you the Homeland will become stronger and the national-ecclesiastical life will become prosperous. Today, during this meeting, we were pleased to see how brave you are in the knowledge of the native language and how much you love you have for Holy Etchmiadzin and Armenia, though you are far from your homeland. Your dear parents and honorable teachers take care, and educate you as native children of our people and with the bright vision that you will embody the cherished dreams of our people. Learn, grow, and  be strong in knowledge. Keep the love towards God bright in your souls, follow the Lord's commandments, be zealous and responsible children for your parents, church and nation. We also urge you to visit your homeland and Holy Etchmiadzin, and see our ancestral heritage with your own eyes and feel the message of their faith and patriotism with your heart. We pray for you, asking the Heavenly Lord to guard you under the auspices of His Holy Right Hand, so that you grow and be improved with a thoughtful mind and bright soul and make your contributions to our national and native life”.

The Catholicos of All Armenians asked for God's blessing for the youth and their families. The Pontiff of All Armenians also wished that God be the guardian of all the schools and teachers.

His Holiness answered questions asked by the students. At the conclusion of the meeting, his Holiness presented gifts to the Armenian schools and educational programs of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America.