Catholicos of All Armenians Hosted the Delegation of the “European Youth For the Sake of the Recognition of the Independence of Artsakh” Initiative

Catholicos of All Armenians Hosted the Delegation of the “European Youth For the Sake of the Recognition of the Independence of Artsakh” Initiative 01.11.2020

On November 01, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; hosted the delegation of the “European Youth For the Sake of the Recognition of the Independence of Artsakh” initiative of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (ABGU), led by Mr. Vasken Yakubian, AGBU Armenian President; and Mrs. Nadia Gortzounian, Head of AGBU of Europe and France. At the beginning of the meeting, Mrs. Nadia Gortzounian introduced the delegation to the Catholicos of All Armenians; which was consisted of about 30 Armenian and foreign members from 15 European countries and Russia; including journalists and politicians, as well as, the purpose of her visit to Armenia. Welcoming the Armenian and foreign guests to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin; His Holiness conveyed His Blessings to the attendees with grateful heart; that they have arrived in Armenia to express their support to the Armenian people in the conditions of the unleashed war against Artsakh, as well as, to draw the struggle for the protection of the right of the Armenians of Artsakh to a free and independent life to the attention of their countries. His Holiness expressed his appreciation for one more patriotic initiative being implemented by AGBU; highlighting the importance of the national unity in these difficult days, and all the steps aimed at raising the level of awareness about the struggle for justice and recognition of Artsakh around the world. The Pontiff of All Armenians emphasized that the attendees have the mission to present to the international community the challenges that the Armenians of Artsakh are facing today; because of their will to live freely and independently; as well as, the destruction, pain and suffering that are being caused by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces and mercenary terrorists with the support of genocidal Turkey; targeting civilians, settlements, medical, cultural and religious institutions and structures. His Holiness reaffirmed that this struggle of the Armenian people is a struggle for the preservation of dignity and existence. The Armenian Patriarch noted that the only way to protect the right of the people of Artsakh to a free life is the international recognition of Artsakh. In this regard, the Armenian Pontiff highlighted the importance of the consistent efforts of the international community, in particular, the Minsk Group Co-Chair Countries to stop the hostilities and resolve the conflict through peaceful negotiations. His Holiness referred with gratitude to the supportive events organized in different communities in the Diaspora in recent weeks; once again emphasizing the need of the unity of our people all over the world in this life and death battle. During the meeting, Mrs. Anouch Toranyan, Deputy Mayor of Paris, Executive Director of AGBU France; conveyed the support of the Mayor of Paris and the friendly French people to His Holiness; which His Holiness accepted with gratitude and mutual wishes. His Holiness also answered the questions of those present, which referred to the steps taken by the Armenian Church during this period, particularly, the spiritual health-care of the families of the wounded and killed soldiers; the service of the colonels, providing shelter to displaced people of Artsakh; and the assistance being provided to Artsakh.