Catholicos of All Armenians Holds Question and Answer Session with Diocesan Youth

During the Pontifical Visit to the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, the Catholicos of All Armenians met with the youth of the Western Diocese. At the meeting, the youth addressed their questions to His Holiness.
Below we present the conversation:
His Holiness - We celebrate the establishment of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America. Ninety years ago, the children of our nation, who survived the Genocide, settled down in the USA. They built churches, schools, and national institutions here, so that their children would grow up preserving the national spirit and consciousness, and transfer these riches from generation to generation. It is natural that over time we would also have a loss of language, culture and spirit. But we glorify God that nevertheless, the Diocese has grown and been strengthened. In today’s environment, we must be able to revive the national self-consciousness. Armenian youth should realize that they are children of the Armenian nation and the Armenian Church, and make their personal contribution and mission to the national life. And that the continuity of the Armenian nation in this country is also conditioned by their personal involvement. The zeal of learning Armenian should be awakened in the Armenian youth. We can accomplish the revival of the national spirit not only by building national structures here, but also ensuring their relationship with the Homeland. Visiting Armenia is a source of inspiration, a unique opportunity to discover a national identity for everyone. You are the bearer of our national heritage and treasures, stay in touch, be involved in the church and national life, and your soul will be opened, your consciousness will be strengthened and you will be worthy children of the nation.
Question - How does God exist? What do you consider as proof of God's existence?
His Holiness - Our history, our nation's existence and our reality. Despite numerous trials, despite many Armenian tragedies and deaths, our faith has remained strong, affirmed in the words of the Bible: “If God is for us, who can be against us”. Christianity is the color of our skin; God is in us and in our lives.
Question - What do you need to tell someone who is not a Christian, whom you want to guide to God?
His Holiness - We should help them find the way to God. If they meet God and feels God’s blessings in their life, they will follow Him.
Question - What would you advice us, the Armenian youth; how to keep our faith strong and strengthen our church?
His Holiness - Pray, read the Bible, and impart our treasures and our sacred heritage; and your faith will be strong, and you’ll feel joy in that faith.
Question - What is the role of the youth in the Church's divine life?
His Holiness - For more than eighty years, the children of our nation had no opportunity to communicate freely and to be in the Church life. We are glad that today our youth are zealously engaged and have an active role in our church life, due to the work that is being done by the clergy. Also youth organizations are created in communities and universities. The clergy serve in the army, and the consciousness of the Armenian youth is also being cultivated in this way.
Question - What is your vision for the future of Armenia?
His Holiness - Our vision is that the country lives a vibrant, powerful, and prosperous life, and that the church serves our country and people, so that our homeland and our church become the native home for our children.
Question- I do not always have time to go to church and my faith is getting weaker. How can this be prevented?
His Holiness - First, you have to make a decision and take time to be with God. You have to be able to prepare your soul so that God may live there. If you do not find time for it, your soul will never become God's home. Open your soul to God and God will live there. And when you meet God, your life will be filled with happiness.
Question - What is the church doing to make young people become a part of the church?
His Holiness- A short time ago, we met with the children of the Saturday and Sunday schools. Those schools are paths through which the church tries to create a national and Christian spirit, consciousness and character, in a child from a young age, and strengthen their love towards the church. But the efforts can not have a full effect without the involvement of the family. A child who grows up and creates a family, transfers the values he received to his child. Through the harmonizing work of Church and family, we can realize results in the Christian upbringing of our children.
Question - What is the main mission of the Holy Church?
His Holiness - Salvation of the soul and maintenance of a national identity.
Question - If I want to become a priest, what kind of advice would you give?
His Holiness - Complete a spiritual education. Only then can you decide if you are convinced that you have enough love for God and your people.
Question - In this society, how can we live a life of an Orthodox Christian?
His Holiness - I think there are enough resources and guides available - the Holy Bible and the sacred heritage of our fathers; by conducting your life within the commandments and messages, you can live happily in association with God. God must be the center of your life, to which you should give your time and live with God.
Question - What is the role of a woman in the Armenian Apostolic Church today, will a woman be able to serve and minister as a deaconess? Why is a man ordained to become a scribe, and me, as a scribe singing in the choir cannot be ordained? The world is changing, what changes can the Armenian woman expect from our church?
His Holiness - You have to tell us about the expectations of the Armenian woman by voicing your expectations and presenting them. The role of the Armenian women in the national and church life is very great. We were recently talking about national self-preservation. The Armenian woman is the transmitter of these values to the Armenian people. But we know the point of your question refers to service in the church and involvement in the liturgical life. Today we cannot as Catholicos make changes in the church cannons by our authority. The issue was raised by our primates, has become a subject matter in the Supreme Spiritual Council, and should also be the subject of discussion in the Bishop’s Synod. According to the decisions made there, directives will be given to the primates.
Question - Throughout history, our church has played an important role in the lives of our people, when it did not have a kingdom or when the kings were in the wrong direction. Today, when there is struggle for democracy in the homeland, often people do not see the steps of the church. As a spiritual leader, what steps should the church take?
His Holiness - Our Church carries out its mission in our national life. The Church cannot operate according to personal expectations of individuals. We paid a high price for our statehood and we should try to keep that state strong. If public movements are aimed at strengthening the foundations of the statehood, the church is there and protects it. I would like to mention an incident here. It was during the movements of the eighties, His Holiness Vazgen I delivered a speech for the second time and raised an alarm to the movement leaders and our people, that they were leading on the wrong course. . And he said, - you serve the Homeland on a tray to the enemy. This expression was not accepted by the movement leaders and people. And we saw the depictions of the Armenian Pontiff on the streets, people were walking on them and made all kinds of negative statements. When we met the Armenian Pontiff in the evening, we said: Your Holiness, at this moment our people are not able to accept healthy and rational words. His Holiness gave an answer that filled my soul with pride. He said: “I cannot earn a cheap reputation on an emotional wave. If I see that my people go towards the descent, I am ready to spread my hands and stand before them. And if I cannot save them, let them pass over me and go.” Through this sense of responsibility we are guided in our lives. But it is possible that people do not appreciate my work in that way. I have acted and will act with that same consciousness and spirit.
Question- When do you feel you are close to the Lord?
His Holiness - When I am in prayer, and serving. In the service of love.
Question - How do the youth of your time and ours differ from each other?
His Holiness - Where I grew up, we were not allowed to talk about God; spiritual life was enclosed in the walls of the church and within the family. I had my first spiritual experiences inside my family. Today, thank God, you have freedom of choice. We are glad that our youth are zealously involved in church life, and that movement is strengthening in Armenia. I'm convinced that it’s the same here, because no matter what progress we have in Armenia its reaction is immediately found in the Diaspora.
Question- Many young people say that you do not have to go to church to pray, it can be done anywhere.
His Holiness - You can pray everywhere, but all the graces that are distributed to the faithful, are only distributed in the Church.
Question - What would you say before leaving?
His Holiness - We are very happy for this meeting, as such meetings inspire us, and brings joy to our heart and soul. The service to the younger generation is our dedicated mission, the youth is the enthusiasm in our life and I am glad that His Eminence has placed such emphasis to his spiritual service, to provide the necessary Christian education to our adults and young people, so that you become strong, grow up, and be educated through our Christian faith and national values; in order to become patriotic and God-loving people for the nation. We convey our prayers and best wishes to you, urging that you continue to educate yourselves, so that through your knowledge base, and the value system that you have inside you, you will be able to change our lives and our world.