Catholicos of All Armenians Commemorates Armenian Genocide

Catholicos of All Armenians Commemorates Armenian Genocide 24.04.2003

On the morning of Thursday, April 24, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, visited the "Tsitsernakaberd" Memorial to the Armenian Genocide of 1915, to pay tribute to the memory of the victims of the first genocide of the 20th Century. This year, the commemoration of the most tragic event in the history of the Armenian Nation and Church occurred a mere five days following the joyous celebration of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In attendance for the commemoration at the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, were President of the Republic of Armenia Robert Kocharian, President of the National Assembly Armen Khatchatrian, Prime Minister of Armenia Andranik Margarian, President of the Constitutional Court Gagik Harutunian, high ranking government officials, Ambassadors and representatives of foreign nations, and guests from Armenia and abroad. His Holiness was accompanied by bishops, priests, deacons and seminarians of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The Pontifical Procession, led by His Holiness, and consisting of the officials, ambassadors and diplomats, walked from the entrance toward the Eternal Flame of the memorial. Alongside the path is a memorial wall whereupon is recorded the names of cities and villages in Western Armenia where the largest concentration of Armenians were massacred. Under the impressive shadow of the stone structure, a solemn Requiem Service was conducted in memory of the 1.5 million Armenian martyrs who perished in the final days of the Ottoman Empire. In the late morning, a solemn Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Cathedral of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. His Holiness the Catholicos presided during the service, which was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Vartan Navasardian, who just recently completed his 40-day period of seclusion following his ordination. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, the Pontiff of All Armenians led the ranks of clergy and faithful to the Armenian Genocide Martyrs' Monument located on the grounds of the Mother See, north of the Cathedral. A Repose of Souls service was conducted by His Holiness, asking Almighty God to grant rest to the souls of those departed, especially for the souls of those who perished 88 years ago in the Genocide.