Catholicos of All Armenians Attends Ceremony to Bestow Mr. Eduardo Eurnekian with the title "National Hero of the Republic of Armenia"

Catholicos of All Armenians Attends Ceremony to Bestow Mr. Eduardo Eurnekian with the title "National Hero of the Republic of Armenia" 13.10.2017

On October 12, at the Presidential Residence, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; attended the ceremony to bestow the title of "National Hero of Armenia" to national benefactor Mr. Eduardo Eurnekian of Argentina.

During the ceremony, the Catholicos of All Armenians gave his Pontifical blessings and stated in full:

“Distinguished President of the Republic of Armenia,
Dear Mr. Eurnekian, National Hero of Armenia,
Dear attendees,

We are pleased to participate in this solemn ceremony by the President of the Republic of Armenia, awarding the title and award of "National Hero of Armenia" to Mr. Eduardo Eurnekian, honored son of our people and the Armenian Church. The award is in worthy appreciation of the great philanthropist's contribution and service in our national life, which are the abundant results of his pious soul and warm patriotism.

Glory and thanksgiving to Almighty God that grants our people children, who make serving the native citizens and homeland a part of their life.

Like many Armenians born in the Diaspora, Mr. Eurnekian could not remain indifferent to the problems and challenges facing his homeland; and from the very beginning of independent statehood, he offered his support to Armenia and Artsakh with honest commitment. The large-scale projects implemented by his philanthropy are an important contribution to the development of our country's economy, as well as significant support to education and culture. With great satisfaction we reflect that Mr. Eurnekian also supports the mission of our Church, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, offering his great contributions to the enlightenment of our spiritual life. Such blessed accomplishments, that make our homeland stronger and better and prosper the national-ecclesiastical life, are written in the pages of our history today.

We would also like to mention that the donation towards our nation's children, and the patriotic programs implemented, are a great encouragement to us all, at the same time offering an example for young Armenians and future generations.

On this glorious occasion, we extend our warmest congratulations to you, dear Mr. Eurnekian, and wish longevity and new successes to the sincere initiatives and deeds of You and the Eurnekian philanthropic family.

We convey our Pontifical blessing, appreciation, and congratulations to you, Honorable Mr. President, to give important state awards to prominent Armenians, who provide exceptional service to the nation.

We also pray to God, to keep our homeland in peace, and bless our people's efforts for the sake of the development and prosperity of the life of the world-wide Armenians.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen!” stated His Holiness.

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