Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin Preaches in Diocese of Gegharkunik

Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin Preaches in Diocese of Gegharkunik 29.07.2003

The Clergy Retreat for the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin concluded on Sunday, July 27. On Saturday, July 26, the final presentations were held in the Mother See. 

The final lecture of the three-day retreat was delivered by Very Rev. Fr. Armash Vardapet Nalbandian, of Germany. His topic was entitled: "The mission of the twelve apostles and the realization of our apostolic mission". The final session took place in the afternoon, where the entire Brotherhood summarized the retreat by discussing and exchanging their views on the theme: "The expression of 'The Holy Altar of Light' as the devoted theme of our mission". 

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided during the concluding session. Also attending the final session were the primates of the dioceses of Armenia, Artsakh and Georgia. The primates had the opportunity to answer various questions posed to them by the retreat participants, specifically regarding church-life within the dioceses of Armenia. 

In the evening, more than 50 members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin made a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Mesrop Mashtots in Oshakan, and offered the Evening Services in the Church of St. Mesrop Mashtots. 

Early Sunday morning, on July 27, the members of the Brotherhood departed for the Diocese of Gegharkunik. They arrived at the Monastery of Sevan and were greeted by the Acting Primate of the diocese, Very Rev. Fr. Derenik Vardapet Davitian. After an opening prayer, the clergymen were separated into smaller groups, and went out into the various villages of the diocese to meet with the faithful, deliver sermons, offer prayers, conduct home blessings and sacraments, and spend the day speaking with the residents of the region. More than 15 different villages and cities were visited throughout the course of the day. The clergymen were accompanied by regional and municipal authorities, who kindly provided the transportation and logistical assistance in making this substantial endeavor a reality. 

The final event of this historic retreat occurred on Sunday evening, whereupon their return to the Mother See, the members of the Brotherhood offered their solemn prayers in the Rest Service in the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, presided by His Holiness Karekin II, the Pontiff of All Armenians.