Blessing Service for Military Cross-Banners offered in the Mother See

Blessing Service for Military Cross-Banners offered in the Mother See 10.10.2017

On October 10, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; offered a special blessing service for military cross-banners.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Vigen Sargsyan, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia; Lieutenant-General Movses Hakobyan, Chief of General Staff of the RA Armed Forces; Bishops of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin; members of the Brotherhood; Mr. Artak Zakaryan, First Deputy of the RA Minister of Defense; military commanders; Heads of the RA Defense Minister Departments; officers and servants of the spiritual leadership of the RA Armed Forces; Mr. Manvel Grigoryan, Chairman of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union and soldiers.

Under the ringing of the Mother Cathedral bells, the solemn procession, led by the Catholicos of All Armenians, walked to the St. Trdat open air altar, where the blessing service of the twenty-four cross-  banners was held.

Following the blessing service of the cross-banners, His Holiness conveyed his message to the military class, expressing everyone Pontifical greetings and blessings.

“…For the homeland security, peace and the protection of the rights of our people, your ministry is in line with the call and invitation of our Christian faith, to fight against destructive processes that go against God’s will, violence against man, and human rights violations. Christianity is a religion of victory and strength, which reveals the greatest power is faith in God. We see that wonderful truth in the Savior's earthly life. Almighty God struggled against sin and evil, conquered it and granted the faith of victory to His followers, saying: “Be strong, for I have conquered the world” (John 14: 33). Throughout the ages, our people have often come out to defend their identity and independence and turn a struggle for survival into a battle for  liberation, and heroic battles; and through their faith, strengthen and became invincible against destruction. Throughout history, our people, who have been strengthened by faith, have turned the attempts of extermination of the Armenians into a revival, resurrection, and eternity. We felt God's support from Avarayr to Sardarapat and Artsakh, realizing that we are soldiers of Christ, soldier of justice, peace, and every good deed.

The Church of Christ in this world is called a soldier church, the symbol of which is the cross-banner. The cross-banner is a flag, which as a visible sign, keeps our faith high. Our Lord Himself gave the revelation of Cross-banners, when in the 4th century during daylight, prior to a decisive battle, he revealed to the legitimate Roman Emperor Constantine a glittering starry cross in the sky and a banner -"With this you will  win!" Constantine's army with a cross painted on their flag, were victorious, and the Emperor proclaimed the free confession of the Christian faith. Our army was also blessed before battles by the Armenian Patriarchs, and accompanied the army with a cross and a cross-banner. The cross-banner flag which bears the images of the Lord and the Saints, reminds us of God's presence and constant support. The Cross-banners are going to be placed on the battle flag and will be encouragement for our soldiers, towards faith in God, and to be strong in service through the intercession of the saints.

The strongest soldier of faith, is strong in his life, battles, and in his highest mission, to protect the saints. It is the power of the Spirit that gives strength, grants a brave heart and a courageous spirit, guiding him to deeds and unparalleled heroism. The apostle, announcing God's victorious support, exclaims: "If God is on  our side, who will be against us?" (Romans 8:31). Be aware dear faithful, God is with you with the sign of the blessed cross-banner, the claim of our Holy Church, and prayers of our clergymen and your faith. You must be victorious in the Lord, implement your sacred work with glory and honor, adorn your sacred service with achievements, defend the boundaries of the homeland, earning God's blessing for your life.

We offer our prayers to Almighty God, that with His Holy Right Hand, always be your helper and supporter, to keep and guard all of you from visible and invisible enemies. May God keep the Armenian Army powerful and triumphant and grant strength, invincible spirit and a strong will on the way to courageous Service. We also raise a prayer for the peace in the world, and a prosperous and secure life of the people. Let our country safely move towards new progress and bright future.

Glory to the protector and guardian soldiers of justice and peace, glory to the glorious Armenian army.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is your supporter and protector today and always: Amen”, stated His Holiness.

The Armed Forces Commanders and Heads of the Department of Defense Ministry of the Republic of Armenia, approached the Armenian Pontiff, to receive the Pontifical blessing and cross-banners.

The service was concluded with the “Protector” prayer.