Bestowing of Medals in the Mother See

Bestowing of Medals in the Mother See 20.05.2017

On May 20, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; a medal ceremony was held in the Events Auditorium of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary. Associate Professor Avedis Kalashyan, Head of the Historical Theology and Humanities Department of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary and Professor of History and Theory of Religion Department of the Yerevan State University, was granted the St. Sahak-St. Mesrop Medal of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church, for his long-term dedicated service to the Homeland and the Armenian Church.

The ceremony was opened with the Lord’s Prayer, following which Rev. Fr. Karekin Hambardzumyan, Dean of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, welcomed the event participants. “These year's process is an opportunity for us to look at the hard, diligent years of work that Mr. Kalashyan tirelessly donated to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin as a gift; particularly to the educational institutions of the Mother See - the Vaskenian Theological Seminary and the Gevorkian Theological Seminary. For more than twenty years Mr. Kalashyan offered his services to these institutions and inspired our students not only through his knowledge, but also through his spiritual tranquility”, stated Father Karekin.

Associate Professor Alexan Baghdasaryan, Seminary lecturer and dean of the YSU Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology; spoke and offered his reflections on Mr. Kalashyan’s church-loving character and useful and devoted activities.

Then, under the singing of the Etchmidzin I Hore, the Pontifical Encyclical and Medal were brought in.

His Grace Bishop Gevork Saroyan, Dean of the higher religious educational institutions of Mother See, read the Pontifical Encyclical which stated in part: “Today we have a joyous occasion to express our remarkds of gratitude to you, dear Mr. Kalashyan, for your professional service provided to our native country, our Apostolic Holy church and our faithful people.

For many years, you undertook a devoted pedagogical mission at Yerevan State University, dedicating your knowledge and abilities toward the difficult but worthy cause of educating new generation. You also enriched your accomplishments through the services provided to the field of Armenian science, the result of which are your numerous studies and articles devoted to philosophy, religion and the history of the Universal Church.

We knew you during your tenure at the Vaskenian Theological Seminary and the Gevorkian Theological Seminary and witnessed your faithful spirit, and your permanently displayed filial love and sincere dedication towards our Holy Church and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. We are aware that students of the spiritual educational institutions are following your lessons with interest and love, which is an additional encouragement to their studies. Many of your students are ordained clergy who are now serving our Holy Church.They all have a deep respect and gratitude for you, which you earned through your honest and diligent work”.

The Catholicos of All Armenians then bestowed the pedagogue with the order of St. Sahak-St. Mesrop and handed him the Pontifical Encyclical.

Mr. Kalashyan spoke and expressed his feelings to the event participants - his colleagues, students and friends; expressing gratitude to His Holiness for the attention and appreciation of his character. “I've never met anyone who did not have the desire, who did not dream of teaching or studying at the Seminary. It is a pride for our nation. Wherever I go and work, I will remain faithful to my Church”, stated Mr. Kalashyan.

During the medal ceremony, the Etchmiadzin Student Choir and the Otri Trio Ensemble performed spiritual and folk songs.

At the conclusion, His Holiness Karekin II, conveyed his blessings and appreciation to Mr. Kalashyan and the attendees.

“During these twenty years, Mr. Kalashyan was not only a lecturer who gave knowledge to our students, but he lived this institution's mission and interests, and the purpose of this facility also become a part of the mission of his life… During these twenty years you prepared many priests, who are today in pastoral service in communities and parishes and You have a great part and role in their important mission. We highly appreciate your service”, stated His Holiness.

His Holiness expressed his wish that the Heavenly Lord grant Mr. Kalashyan a long and healthy life, and much success in his endeavors.

The ceremony ended with the Protector Prayer.