Bestowing of Medals in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Bestowing of Medals in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 19.07.2017

On July 18, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; a medals ceremony was held in the Events Auditorium of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

The Order of Saint Nerses the Graceful was granted to Mr. Sunil Sobti and Mrs. Susan Reuben, Wardens of the Armenian Church Committee of the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth of Calcutta; in appreciation of their church-devoted works and service.

The ceremony was opened with the Lord’s Prayer, following which Rev. Fr. Paruyr Avetisyan, Director of Inter-Church Department of the Chancellery of the Mother See; gave opening remarks.

Very Rev. Fr. Zakaria Baghumyan, Director of the Church Assembly Office of the Mother See; spoke about the recipients, reflecting on their activities. “It is a great honor for me to introduce them, with whom I have had the privilege to become acquainted with. During my tenure at the Armenian Philanthropic Academy, they spared no effort, and I enjoyed not only their love, respect, and full support, but also saw their  unconditional love and zealous spirit towards the small number of Armenians in the Indian-Armenian community; the Armenian Philanthropic Academy; Holy Etchmiadzin and personally the Armenian Patriarch”, stated Fr. Zakaria, detailing their pious and patriotic activities. Fr. Zakaria also stated that with the blessings of His Holiness, the St. Nazareth Church administration has always stood by the Armenian Embassy in New Delhi, supporting its activities and various projects since its’ establishment.

Under the singing of the hymn Etchmiadzin I Hore, the Pontifical Encyclicals were brought in and read by His Grace Bishop Moushegh Babayan, Director of Administrative Department of the Mother See; and His Grace Bishop Hovnan Hakobyan, Grand Sacristan of the Mother See. The Pontifical Encyclical states in part:

“Today, We have the joyful occasion to convey Our appreciation to You, the worthy child of Our Armenian Apostolic Holy Church, for Your productive Church-devoted service. For many years, as a Warden of the Armenian Church Committee of the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth of Calcutta, You have devoted your  time and abilities to the preservation of national, religious, and cultural heritage created by the Indian-Armenian community. We are pleased that during the past years many churches and church-owned buildings were renovated through Your honest efforts and zeal; that continue to open their doors to the faithful, testifying to the faith of the children of Our nation and their God-pleasing deeds.

As a Patriarch, the constant support by You and the Holy Church of Nazareth to the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy brings Us great satisfaction; and due to which the best conditions have been provided to offer an education to young Armenians. Your godly commendations should always be remembered by our clergy and faithful serving in the Indian-Armenian community, asking for the Lord's care and blessings in their prayers for You and Your family”.

Following the bestowing of medals, Mr. Sunil Sobti and Mrs. Susan Reuben conveyed their gratitude to the attendees on this joyous occasion. The Wardens of the St. Nazareth Church gave their assurance that all the achievements in the life of Indian-Armenians were accomplished due to the support of the Catholicos of All  Armenians, through whose blessings will continue to serve in favor of the Armenian community of India, the Armenian Church, and the Homeland.

During the ceremony, the students of Mother See and AGBU Armenian Church Youth Center gave a musical performance.

At the conclusion, His Holiness Karekin II conveyed his blessings to Mr. Sobti and Mrs. Reuben and the attendees. Expressing satisfaction on the occasion of the award to the honored Armenians for their effective service, His Holiness stated that they are the maintainers of the heritage, that our ancestors have been building in India for centuries, establishing churches and educational institutions. His Holiness noted with appreciation that due to the zeal of the Administration of the St. Nazareth Church, Armenian sanctuaries in India were completely renovated and brightened over recent years, continuing their mission in this lifetime; and the Armenian Philanthropic Academy was also improved. Re-expressing his appreciation to Mr. Sobti and Mrs. Reuben, His Holiness urged them to continue their useful service with the same zeal, mixed with love and devotion towards the Armenian Church, the people, and the homeland.

The ceremony ended with a "Protector" prayer by the Catholicos of All Armenians.

Attending the ceremony were the Brotherhood of the Mother See; Mrs. Hranush Hakobyan, RA Minister of Diaspora; Mr. Armen Martirosyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to India; representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and officials of the Mother See.