Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople Injured in Automobile Accident

Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople Injured in Automobile Accident 02.02.2004

According to news received today in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob Mutafian, Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, was injured in an automobile accident. His Beatitude and his delegation were traveling on a pilgrimage to Antalia. As a result of the accident, Abp. Mesrob's leg and nose were broken, and suffered numerous other minor injuries. He was immediately transported to a hospital. 

On February 2, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, spoke by telephone with the Vicar of the Patriarchate, His Eminence Archbishop Shahan Svajian, and learned of the details surrounding the incident and the condition of the health of the Patriarch. His Holiness requested that Abp. Shahan convey his wishes for a quick and complete recovery to His Beatitude. 

The cause of the accident was attributed to a failure of the automobile's brakes. Also slightly injured in the accident were Rev. Fr. Sahak Mashalian of the Patriarchate, and ten others who were accompanying the Patriarch. The Patriarchate is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey.