Armenian Church Participates in Syndesmos Conference

Armenian Church Participates in Syndesmos Conference 30.07.2003

From July 14 through 22, the 17th "Syndesmos" General Assembly of Orthodox Youth took place in Albania, in the Monastery of St. Vlash, near the city of Durres. The Albanian Orthodox Church was the host for this year's conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Syndesmos Fellowship. Syndesmos is a world fellowship of Orthodox youth, a federation of youth movements and theological schools throughout the world. 

Church representatives from approximately 40 different countries attended and participated in the General Assembly. The Armenian Church was represented by Deacon Tigran Baghumian, a member of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin; and Miss Lilit Sargisian, of the Armenian Church Youth Organization of Jrvesh, Diocese of Kotayk, Armenia. 

The theme of the Jubilee General Assembly was the biblical directive that " . . . and you shall be My witnesses". The goal of the gathering was to find new ways to realize the mission of Syndesmos, and to testify once again, that Orthodox youth make up an indivisible and inseparable part of the One, Holy, Apostolic, Universal Church. 

Assembly participants discussed many issues related to orthodoxy and concerning the present-day challenges facing Christians. Syndesmos also enrolled new members into the fellowship. The Armenian Church Youth Organization Chapter of Jrvesh was unanimously voted in as a full member. 

In addition to the meeting sessions, the participants visited many monasteries, historical sites, and participated in daily church services.